Saturday Night Wrist


Jan 5, 2004
Tauranga, New Zealand
I'm not sure what any of you people think of the Deftones, but has anyone heard this new album? I must say I am definitely impressed with what theyve come up with this time. I find that in general it is a little softer than their previous selftitled effort, but the emotion in some of the songs is (to me) incredible! I think after some more listens it could even possibly rival their masterpiece "White Pony". What do you guys think?
tis good, i find myself wanting a little more heaviness, but i think they did a fine job with this one. will it topple "white pony" as their best? prolly not, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable.
yeah it's way different from their previous releases...hopefully they'll develop the post-rock sound a little more while still keeping it kinda heavy
Deftones are a band who i can't love or hate.. Some stuff is pretty good, other stuff is plain crap. I've only heard 'hole in the earth' so far.. And it seemed okay - not their best, but definitely not their worst. I wish they did actually do what the guitarist wanted to do for 'Deftones' - write a totally instrumental album.. I think that if they actually worked hard on it it'd be good.. But if it were just writing songs and just not putting vocals to them.. Would be a bit pointless