Saturday's Chicago Dream Theater show... Master of Puppets again...

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
But Toby and I didn't mind! It was a fairly killer show. I did get to see some really cool people at the show too!! And I think I met the girl of my dreams there- too bad she has a boyfriend. As most "girls of people's dreams" tend to have :lol:.

I also saw Jax (that Oracle broad) there... but I didn't say hi to her because I didn't recognize her with the short hair at first... and then it was too late lol. I wanted to tell her to her face that "it had already been broughten!" (concerning the TEoF/Seismic competition).

So anyway... here is the setlist; forgive me if I get it out of order!
Glass Prison
Beyond this Life
Burning My Soul (Hell's Kitchen version)
The Killing Hand (with Xanadu teaser)
Peruvian Skies
Another Dimension (Liquid Tension Experiment)
The Great Debate
*15 minute break*
Master of Puppets- all 8 songs (Metallica)
The Spirit Carries On
Take the Time
Bytor and the Snowdog (instrumental closer originally by Rush)

I found myself a touch apathetic to this show at first... standing in a very awkward position and very cramped. This was the most packed Dream Theater show I had ever been too!

The highlights were "Another Dimension", "Burning My Soul (extended version" "Take the Time", and "By Tor and the SnowDog"... probably because I hadn't really seen those songs performed well before :) Dream theater did a fantastic job though. Think of how cool it would have been had Dream Theater covered a Rush album... oh well :) My neck is still sore from headbanging to Metallica. I'll be feeling the resuls of this show the next morning! I didn't get drunk either... had to drive back lol. But hey, I may have said something stupid to the "dream girl" if I had too many brewskies *hehe*

I'd like to give a shout out to all my UM fellow brothas out there. I wish I could have met some of you guys... alas it was too crowded. I was likely to run into as many people as I did!

The Michael
Man that must have been awesome! I am a total old school Metallica fan! I have the logo from the Puppets cover tattooed on my back! Are Dream Theatre gonna release any of these shows on an album or video? I very much need to hear it!
Well there are mp3s of the Barcelona Spain covering of MoP for download on an ftp somewhere. Ask around and someone is likely to know where it is. I, for one, do not remember of the URL. Sorry. Ask the Perpetual Motion board though.