Satyricon-The Age of Nero


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
So I picked this up at best buy, good record, but nothing really groundbreaking. I Know what Satyr means now with saying this album is early 90's bm influenced, I have detected a BURZUM influence on this record. I hear evil devilish riffs that wander off this time into a hypnotic wall of BURZUM like hypnosis. I say this album won't hurt to add to the collection, but sometimes I do feel Saty is quite dillusional about his album descriptions sometimes. You will find yourself blasting this album to destroy unwanted frustrations in your mind, plus your speakers do deserve a good ass kicking from Frost! So if your a Satyricon fan, this album will bite you on the ass like a dog with rabies.
Yeah, I sincerely doubt there's much in common with Burzum's music here somehow. ;)
Bought it today but haven't listened to it yet. Some of the tracks I've heard have been alright but I haven't been too impressed.
I like Satyricon in general. Haven't given them in depth listening but I have noticed off hand that they are very hit and miss per track. IE: It's either really good or just bullshit.
I hard one song, I think the title track, a while ago online. It sucked and sounded next to nothing like Burzum.

I didn't like Now, Diabolical and don't care much for the new one either. The first couple tracks I didn't mind, but there's really not much left to hold your interest after that.

I understand the direction Satyr wants to take with the band but I just don't see what's so appealing about it to him.
Now, Diabolical was a fantastic album. I really wouldn't say their relevance matters too much, though. Typically their songs are decent black 'n roll type stuff, hopefully the new one is similar.
Well, just because you like it doesn't mean it's relevant, they're not really doing anything new, special or relevant to the metal scene, it's just the same stuff only less.