Savage Circus DVD observation (stagehand nerd content)

Anyone notice the unattached pair of feet at the bottom of the photo??? o_O

there's a guy wearing a grey shirt whose arms and head can be seen leaning on the truss :lol:

i noticed the LEDs also...those things rule, especially the ones that work like ColorBlasts. first time i saw any of those, that i can recall, was at Berklee when we did the Bill Maher "The Decider" HBO special this summer...lots of cool stuff was used for that show.
the truss supporting the mover on the SL side is put together incorrectly. not a big deal since it's not supporting a ton of weight or over anyone's head or anything, but i noticed it when i was watching the DVD the other night. :lol:
I loved that DVD. I'm just glad everyone survived that errant truss.:lol::kickass: