Savage Circus to release DVD of ProgPower show


Sep 13, 2005
Atlanta, GA
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SAVAGE CIRCUS - featuring ex-BLIND GUARDIAN drummer Thomen Stauch and IRON SAVIOR frontman Piet Sielck on guitars - will issue a live DVD in february 2007. The footage was shot at the ProgPower Festival 2006 in Atlanta, GA "with one of the best audiences you can imagine."

The DVD will also feature bonus material, including a short road movie. More details will be revealed soon.

Meanwhile, the band has issued the following update:

"Another year is almost over now, a great year for Savage Circus that ended with a rocking last gig that took place in Anröchte/Germany some days ago. The whole band had a great time playing to the crowed and was suprised that the reaction was so unbelievable great. Anröchte: "You really rocked!" To get an impression of the show check out the bigphoto section with brand new pics from the gig.

It has also been Thomas Nack's last gig with Savage Circus, because Thomen will finally be back again in 2007. Thomas enjoyed it a lot to rock with Savage Circus and YOU, the fans! It's been a pleasure for him and also a challenge to play the songs with the band live. A big thankyou from him to all fans for the great time.

At the end the band wishes you a Merry Christmas and a rocking New Year! See you in 2007."
Listen, I love Savage Circus's CD, but I don't know if this performance would be the best for them to use for a DVD.

Number one, Thomen didn't play and it really is his band. Secondly, Jens repeatedly looked at lyric sheets, which I didn't find too bad, but it was still a knock on the performance.
Listen, I love Savage Circus's CD, but I don't know if this performance would be the best for them to use for a DVD.

Number one, Thomen didn't play and it really is his band. Secondly, Jens repeatedly looked at lyric sheets, which I didn't find too bad, but it was still a knock on the performance.

It all depends on the editing. Even though we saw everything as it was, careful production can minimize such items. As for Thomen.... yeah, its his band.... but I thought Nack did a heck of a job filling in. I am sure Thomen was also in the loop when it came to this decision, so if it got his ok...
Listen, I love Savage Circus's CD, but I don't know if this performance would be the best for them to use for a DVD.

Number one, Thomen didn't play and it really is his band. Secondly, Jens repeatedly looked at lyric sheets, which I didn't find too bad, but it was still a knock on the performance.
My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, even with the lyric sheet Jens messed up the lyrics to Born Again by the Night, far and wide my favorite song from them. Still, I headbanged until it hurt; and I was feeling really sick that day.

SC is going to be making music for a (long) while and surely have better nights out. Overall it was a good show and clever editing should do the trick to cover the mishaps. As for Thomen not playing, well, I think editing won't cut it here. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to Nack.

At any rate, a Prog Power performance DVD is a statement.
I think at this point in SC's career they're doing the push for name recognition, so the quicker they can release material and get their name out there amongst metalheads, the better.

And yeah, while the PP performance may not have been the best, you have to take into account the opportunity provided to them by having the option for a professional recording job. I'm glad they did it, but then again I'm totally biased. :)
Listen, I love Savage Circus's CD, but I don't know if this performance would be the best for them to use for a DVD.

Number one, Thomen didn't play and it really is his band. Secondly, Jens repeatedly looked at lyric sheets, which I didn't find too bad, but it was still a knock on the performance.

Agreed on all counts, however creative editing can make anybody look good...even when reading lyric sheets!
Is this going to be the main event of the DVD? I would hope they put on another show with Thomen included on the DVD. I just think it would be a little bit weird for a band to release a live DVD that doesn't have the person who formed the band in it. That'd be like Maiden's Live At The Rainbow without Steve Harris in it.

Maybe as a bonus disc like Wuthering Heights is doing with the Shadow Cabinet. That is one of the best reasons to buy a new album right there. Speaking of which, notice how more and more cd's are being released with little extras like music videos either in mpg *Firewind, Dragonforce* or DVD *Trivium*, extra discs with nice portions of bonus material *Dream Evil, Falconer*, and full on concert DVD's or making of material that's generally around an hour's length.

Anyways, tangent aside if this were to happen, releasing the PP VII show as an album bonus, then it'll be quite some time until it happens. But if Savage Circus is going ahead and releasing a seperate DVD before the second album then I'd hope they put on another show, perhaps a European festival one just to have Thomen being represented.
At any rate, a Prog Power performance DVD is a statement.

Good point here...nice recognition for the band, nice recognition for the festival, etc., etc.

Hopefully, a nice feather in Glenn's cap...

Rock on!
Well, you know what they can do with technology these days. We might just see Thomen behind those drums ;)

Edit: See... Can't even tell the difference!

i think it'll still be pretty cool. and maybe make another DVD from a different performance, but personally, i wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to have my PPUSA performance on dvd. thats so kick ass, and its such a great festival id love to have it no matter what. that said, being they filmed the whole set, my opinion would be, why not?
I'm kind of surprised they're doing this, since Thomen didn't play drums and Jens was looking at lyric sheets of course, but the performance was still pretty good. Plus, maybe the DVD will show where I shared a beer with one of the guitarists during the set. :kickass: