Thomen Not Touring with Savage Circus!

Cheiron said:
Why do people hate drum solos? I've heard some great ones. Obviously Neil Peart is well known for his, but I've heard some other really good solos. Some drummers just bang in their solos for sure, with no real structure in mind. But... hell if a guy is good at drum solos I'd like to hear it. Just... have to be good at it. Which means... no basic drum setup that has very little variety potential.

Then again I'm waiting for true vocal solos. Somewhat improvised vocals based on the melody. No reason it can't be done... just a lot of people would probably find it ridiculous.

Personally, I hate drum solos during live shows. I want to see the band play their songs, and given that a band only has a limited amount of time on stage, I'd rather see that time filled with real songs rather than some improvised piece with no melody, featuring only one of the musicians.
Sumeet wrote
When I say that Stauch is one of the best metal drummers around, I am certainly not saying I'm qualified to compare or analyze the technical aspects of drumming. Where I'm coming from is that to my ears, he has a certain flair and vibe to his playing that really stands out to me.

Well it doesn't stand out on the Coldseed cd....what a big pile of crap it is....dissapointment of the year.
Taliwakker said:
Sumeet wrote

Well it doesn't stand out on the Coldseed cd....what a big pile of crap it is....dissapointment of the year.

I haven't heard the disc yet, but consider... does it truly feature a poor drumming performance, or is the actual songwriting just not appealing to you? This is, after all, being billed as something of a stylistic departure, and I can imagine that not everyone who is into the other bands whose members comprise Coldseed, will necessarily like Coldseed...
I haven't heard the disc yet, but consider... does it truly feature a poor drumming performance, or is the actual songwriting just not appealing to you?

The drumming performance isn't poor...didn't say it was.....but it lacks flair and vibe.....and the songwriting definately isn't appealing to me :lol:
Taliwakker said:
The drumming performance isn't poor...didn't say it was.....but it lacks flair and vibe.....and the songwriting definately isn't appealing to me :lol:

Hehe. Well... looks like I'll have disagree with you on this one. I just listened to 3 tracks from the Coldseed disc and thought it sounded quite good. I'm going to have to add this to my list.
DarkOne said:
I'm pretty much in the Zod camp here, but I have to add, for whomever plays:


Steve in Philly
Every band should be required to do a drum solo, at least one guitar solo and the woe-oh-oh-oh-o sing a long. You know the one where the vocalist splits the crowd down the middle and pits the left side against the right side. The right side are a bunch of pussies...the left side rocks!
TheWhisper said:
Every band should be required to do a drum solo, at least one guitar solo and the woe-oh-oh-oh-o sing a long. You know the one where the vocalist splits the crowd down the middle and pits the left side against the right side. The right side are a bunch of pussies...the left side rocks!

Fuck you!!! The right side fucking rules!!!! Death to Left-siders!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
General Zod said:
It's certainly what got them the record deal and the promotion behind it. However, are people really that excited to hear BG's x-drummer play with another band? I'd be much more disappointed if the singer was being replaced.


i am only because when i hear he was leaving BG (ive never seen them) i thought id never get to see thomen. but with SC now i may.
booB said:
Terrana's drum solo with Rage was one of the most memorable ProgPower USA moments ever.

True... but that's because Terrana made some entertaining comments during the drum solo. Musically, I can't even remotely remember the music he played during that solo.
You stated that as long as you hear someone playing the music of Savage Circus, it doesn't matter who it is. Are you saying that the entire band could be replaced, and as long as it's the music of the band you want to see, that everything's cool? Personally, I don't think that Thomas Stauch is anything special. I'm sure Thomas Knack will be a fine replacement. However, that's not to say that anybody and everybody can be replaced in a band. It's really a case-by-case issue. I wouldn't want to see a band if all of the original members are gone (and though it's pretty sad, there are some groups out there claiming to be the band when there isn't a single person who was there from day one). In each band, there should be that one person or those two people or so on who really give the band their distinctive sound. Sometimes, as is the case with Judas Priest, they can be replaced by someone who can somehow match their talents. Sometimes, as is the case with Marillion, they can be replaced by someone with a different, yet equally distinctive and captivating style of their own. Sometimes, as is the case with Spock's Beard, the band can turn into liquid shit overnight. The point is that you can't just say that it's just the music that matters. You need the right musicians to make that music. If you believe what you just said, you might as well pass on Maiden the next time they come to your town and just pay the $5 bar tab to see the local tribute band later that month. I guarantee you that I know where the tribute band's musicians will be when the real deal comes to town.

On another note, I hope this means that the band will pass on performing any Blind Guardian covers, as they will truly be a tribute band if they did.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Met-Al said:
On another note, I hope this means that the band will pass on performing any Blind Guardian covers, as they will truly be a tribute band if they did.

I've been told that Savage Circus doesn't perform any Blind Guardian songs, even when Stauch is with them. Which I suppose makes sense, since he didn't do much writing to speak of with Blind Guardian anyway... it was pretty much Olbrich and Kursch doing the writing. I think they've played songs from the first Iron Savior disc though, which featured both Stauch and Sielck... and since Nack (the current Iron Savior drummer) is playing, and even if Savage Circus plays their entire album, they'll still have 10 - 12 minutes left in their set, I'm guessing the chances of seeing some Iron Savior material are high.
Met-Al said:
You stated that as long as you hear someone playing the music of Savage Circus, it doesn't matter who it is. Are you saying that the entire band could be replaced, and as long as it's the music of the band you want to see, that everything's cool?

As long as they do it reasonably well, yes. I want to hear the music played... I don't care if I see THOSE particular guys playing it. That goes for almost any band. I didn't actually come right out and SAY that I don't care if the entire band is replaced (I think that was a little dramatic on your part), but, in the case of Savage Circus, although I happen to be a fan of certain members of the band, their musical style (euro power metal) is generic enough that it doesn't matter a whole lot WHO comes out and plays it, it can still sound pretty good.

Would I like to see Piet and Jens on stage? Of course. Would I lose sleep if one or both of them couldn't make it? No.

However, that's not to say that anybody and everybody can be replaced in a band. It's really a case-by-case issue.

Which I also alluded to. If I have a personal stake in the band (meaning, I know someone in the band, or have been a fan of a certain musician for a long time and am looking forward to meeting him/her), then I'll be pretty bummed if the person I want to see can't make it.

I wouldn't want to see a band if all of the original members are gone (and though it's pretty sad, there are some groups out there claiming to be the band when there isn't a single person who was there from day one). In each band, there should be that one person or those two people or so on who really give the band their distinctive sound.

A "band" is an abstract concept. It's a group of people -- any people -- who play a certain set of songs, and have license to use a particular band name. Their "distinctive sound" is whatever they want it to be. Sometimes, this sound changes in the course of the band's history. If I like a band's music, then I want to see that band play -- provided that they don't suck ass live -- regardless of who is now in that band. Likewise, if I like a certain musician's playing style, I'll want to see that musician play, regardless of what band he/she is in at the time.

If you believe what you just said, you might as well pass on Maiden the next time they come to your town and just pay the $5 bar tab to see the local tribute band later that month.

Might as well. Maiden's not worth the money these days, to me. (Most of the "big names" aren't, because they charge an arm and a leg to see a "legend" perform.) But how do you know that Maiden isn't one of those bands I noted above, where I'm a big fan of one or more of the musicians in the band, and I have a personal stake in seeing them play? (Besides that fact that I just told you. LOL)