Thomen Not Touring with Savage Circus!

Jasonic said:
Though for this band, isn't quite honestly the appeal the fact that they have the former Blind Guardian drummer?
It's certainly what got them the record deal and the promotion behind it. However, are people really that excited to hear BG's x-drummer play with another band? I'd be much more disappointed if the singer was being replaced.

VenomGA said:
Samantha filled in for Randy Castillo not Tommy Lee. TOmmy was out of the band at the time. Randy was extremely sick which later was found to be cancer and ultimately killed him.
Since Sam way playing Tommy's drumlines (they only played one "Randy-era" song), to my mind, she was filling in for Tommy not Randy.

General Zod said:
While I wish Thomen well, I could care less that he's not touring with Savage Circus. I saw Samantha from Hole fill in for Tommy Lee at a Crue show a few years back, and had no one told me, I doubt I would have known (although obviously, they don't look similar). I'm quite sure Thomas will in for Thomen without missing a beat. I mean, let's be serious, we're talking drummers, not musicians.:loco:

This is kinda how I feel as well. Unless I personally KNOW the members involved, I don't care who's playing in a certain band, for the most part. In my experience, fill-in members generally do a passable enough job, so I'm not too disappointed if an original member can't make it. The most important thing for me is that I'm seeing SOMEONE play Savage Circus's material live.
General Zod said:
It's certainly what got them the record deal and the promotion behind it. However, are people really that excited to hear BG's x-drummer play with another band? I'd be much more disappointed if the singer was being replaced.


True, but in this case you wouldn't most likely be aware of this band had it not been for the drummer...... :)
General Zod said:
Since Sam way playing Tommy's drumlines (they only played one "Randy-era" song), to my mind, she was filling in for Tommy not Randy.

That is a strange way to look at it since Randy was the "official" drummer of the Crue since TOmmy decided to do his rap rock crap.
7thSaviour said:
I'm into this band because Piet Sielck is in the lineup.:rock: :kickass:

Yes, but it can not be denied that the publicity for Savage Circus revolves around the fact that the band features the former BG drummer. That's why the story is "newsworthy" if you will...
Jasonic said:
Yes, but it can not be denied that the publicity for Savage Circus revolves around the fact that the band features the former BG drummer. That's why the story is "newsworthy" if you will...
That's true, but I like Iron Savior much more than Blind Guardian, if that's even relevant here.
Jasonic said:
That's why the story is "newsworthy" if you will...
I'm not suggesting it's not worth noting. I'm just saying, personally, I don't care. If Glenn posted that every drummer, from every band performing at PPVII, had been replaced (quit, was kicked out or was lost to spontaneous human combustion), I could care less. So long as the replacements are competent and have time to learn the songs properly, c'est la vie.

Cheiron said:
Yeah. This isn't Neil Peart or anything. Sorry, but when somebody says ____ is an amazing drummer... I'm nearly always perplexed. But then again, I know next to nothing about drumming, other than it should stay in time, and hopefully not have a completely monotonous beat that gives headaches.

In a technical sense, I know next to nothing about drumming either. When I say that Stauch is one of the best metal drummers around, I am certainly not saying I'm qualified to compare or analyze the technical aspects of drumming. Where I'm coming from is that to my ears, he has a certain flair and vibe to his playing that really stands out to me. The vast majority of the metal drummers I've heard seemed fine to me... they play well, keep well enough in time, and do what they need to do. But relatively few have that certain flair that really jumps out at me, and Stauch is one of those few.

That said, I've heard Nack's work with both Gamma Ray and Iron Savior, and while it didn't jump out at me like Stauch's playing, I never had a problem with it, and always found it to be well done and enjoyable... and he is certainly a "metal" drummer, (so it's not like they're bringing in someone with an inappropriate style), so I have no reason to think his presence in place of Stauch will prevent me from enjoying the band's live show... and I am certainly glad that they brought in Nack to play drums instead of just canceling their live dates.
Why do people hate drum solos? I've heard some great ones. Obviously Neil Peart is well known for his, but I've heard some other really good solos. Some drummers just bang in their solos for sure, with no real structure in mind. But... hell if a guy is good at drum solos I'd like to hear it. Just... have to be good at it. Which means... no basic drum setup that has very little variety potential.

Then again I'm waiting for true vocal solos. Somewhat improvised vocals based on the melody. No reason it can't be done... just a lot of people would probably find it ridiculous.