Save Musical Interpretation on the Internet! (guitar tabs)

Considering that musical interpretation is not illegal, I don't see the point of this petition. If sites aren't willing to fight this, whatever, but a petition isn't going to stop anything.
Niether do i, how on earth can they go to court and say ' guitarists are interpreting the songs and transcribing them (inaccuratley) and they got their lyrics from their websites, we want these banned!' what a load of shit. What are they trying to achieve anyway.
I thought this was all some weird publicity stunt they were trying to pull, but it seems powertabs is getting nabbed by them. I really can't believe it. Just when the world didn't need any more incentive for their morals to degenerate in regards to piracy, they give it bucketloads.

I've been using tabs ever since I first started guitar playing 4 and a half years ago and have not paid for a single one. To say that individual interpretation of music is illegal is pathetic. It's like the ethics of corporate america are being plastered right onto this art form that's been around for thousands of years. I would not be the musician I am without the help of tabs, and I think you'll find thousands of musicians worldwide who'd throw their lot in with that statement too.
I'm in the Nashville,Tn local musicians union and my dues probably helped pay for the lobbyist to push this legislation.
I am writing a letter to the national union leaders and telling them that while the recorded music belongs to the label/artist, the interpretation/tabbing belongs to the interpreter and his rights are just as important.
Oh noes! I was tabbing Ulver and Deathspell Omega, arrest me!
It reminds me of when Mozart illegally tabbed a holy vatican song. Interpretation and transcription is just listening and understanding the notes. Basically musicians with a good ear are prohibited from listening to music. Ludicris.

Julian Zembrowski said:
Oh noes! I was tabbing Ulver and Deathspell Omega, arrest me!
It reminds me of when Mozart illegally tabbed a holy vatican song. Interpretation and transcription is just listening and understanding the notes. Basically musicians with a good ear are prohibited from listening to music. Ludicris.


well, musicians are not being prohibited from listening to music...but, i agree that tabs are merely interpretations...besides, they are wrong half the time.
Tabulating is understanding the notes in which the artist has written, sharing tablature is sharing your interpretation and appreciation of the music. It's a step below prohibiting someone from listening to music.

Bands such as Opeth and other underground bands don't have tab books anyway. Completely idiotic, maybe the MPA wouldn't suck so bad if I took my nuts out of their mouth. :-/
Check this:

It says:

Power Tab Community - News
[December 17th, 2005] Due to the recent actions of the MPA (see here), we had to change the available content temporarily. More information will be posted soon. Sorry for any inconveniences this change may cause. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Yeah, you cant even download a tab anymore from, or i don't get it it anymore. But i dont understand whats it all about? Like Julian Zembrowski said here, the tabs that you can find on the internet are just interpretations. A lot of the opeth tabs are not 100% right...Fuck MPA!!!
Everyone consider this:

It is LAW that when you cover a song (your INTERPRETATION), either live or onto a recording, you must register this with the proper authorities so that royalties can be paid to the proper people (the band, record company, publishing company - whomever it may be).

Now, the main argument from our side of this little debacle, is that tabulature is merely an INTERPRETATION of what an artist has done. Can we see a connection here, kiddies?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a load of shit too, but they do have grounds for a case.
i mean, really we shouldn't learn or reproduce ANYONE'S songs at home on guitar without paying them each time we play them. trying to work them out at all should be a punishable offence, as should playing and singing along, since we're giving ourselves a free performance of someone else's work. no one should be allowed an instrument at home in case they stumble upon something written by someone else. makes perfect sense.
fps said:
i mean, really we shouldn't learn or reproduce ANYONE'S songs at home on guitar without paying them each time we play them. trying to work them out at all should be a punishable offence, as should playing and singing along, since we're giving ourselves a free performance of someone else's work. no one should be allowed an instrument at home in case they stumble upon something written by someone else. makes perfect sense.

I agree, next they'll crack down on WRITING music.

They can't stop me from learning it by ear....and performing it!!...or can they :erk: ? (what's the fundamental difference?)

I'm loosing faith in humanity.

But even from a less interpretive standpoint, this is retarded. Who is loosing money? If Opeth made a tab book, I would buy it.