Save, save DT :D

Originally posted by Hearse
I think Opeth is a perfect band name. :) Actually its the best I know. Simple, neutral, single catchy word which even describes their music well, perfect.

in fact i was just adding to the general hilarious bash-ness: i don't feel anything at all about the name 'opeth' itself: it surely is very less funny than dimmu borgir as far as simple sounds go. ;)

however, i still don't get how is it that such a name might describe the band's music... i mean... the only thing i can come up with about 'opeth' is a vague resemblance to awe pet. perhaps a very large dog? :rolleyes: :spin:

Opeth isn't really that catchy in my opinion. Hammering Moss (! :lol: ) isn't a great band name either. It actually sounds bad.

I hate the name Phish... that is really stupid.

I should go over to the other boards and defend David Gay(I've never heard that insult, but it can be used.) :lol:
Well, i love Opeth too, i like their music. :) So don't bash them :p
And i much hate it when some greek friends of mine call them Pipeth (:p) or when the guy at the music store doesn't get their name. :mad:

Siren (who thinks Opeth is a cool name for a band)
I like the name Opeth because I've read the book where it comes from :)

And...the Opeth forum is a lot worse than the In Flames one already.