rescue DT


Oct 10, 2001
There seem to be a lot of people with a really bad musical taste on the Opeth board...
DT is about to get voted off in the song survivor :eek: and if you look at the list you´ll see bands that aren´t nearly as good as DT. So HELP THEM! Save them before they get voted off...

right here:

(for those who don´t know it: ) Remember that you can only vote off a band - so DON'T vote for DT... :cool:
Hehehe you guys worry too much. The opeth forum and most of its people is just inferior, in all the aspects of the word mind you, but specially on Musical Tastes. Most DT fans here are open minded people who enjoy music, most Opeth fans there are close-minded idiots who enjoy Opeth songwriting clones and bands who never EVER take a chance and make at evolution. I think is one of the best examples of metalhead thinking when bands are demanded to play the same thing for 20 years otherwise selling out.

The only good thing about it is bashing them and other fun things on the off topic part and you guys shouldnt be bothered with anything else.
aaaah dt draws with nevermore! 29:29! do something, for whatever's sake! vote for nevermore!
Originally posted by Black Heart
fuck you Nevermore rules and will rule always, its better than Duck tranquillishit :D

You freak!!! Stop swearing at VC or I'll have to hurt you... :p :lol:

I'm a vampire bat so bite me; um wait... I'm the one who bites...
going and voting for nevermore....
we should stand unite against the inferior hordes huh Misanthrope ;) (but hey Hearse is an Opethist, and he seems to be a great dude, when he's not jerking off :lol: )

fathervic (total voter off)
Hey guys. I like Opeth but I do not like Nevermore. They are very awful compared to Dark Tranquility who are awesome!

I agree that some of the people on the Opeth board seem a bit up their own asses.
Originally posted by FatherVic
going and voting for nevermore....
we should stand unite against the inferior hordes huh Misanthrope ;) (but hey Hearse is an Opethist, and he seems to be a great dude, when he's not jerking off :lol: )

fathervic (total voter off)

Bah hearse wants to vote DEATH off :mad:

And well im not an Opethian, if im over there most of the time is just because this forum is way too slow for my needs, but it doesnt means i like it better than this one, i will always be a DT fan first and foremost

Originally posted by Misanthrope

Bah hearse wants to vote DEATH off :mad:

Me too, but not yet, I want to get rid of Nevermore then Amorphis and after that Death, don't see the big deal with that band.
The whole poll is pointless imo, it doesn't prove anything, it won't change who really is the best, it will just make tasteless people show off their ignorance with the help of lotsa hatred :)
But Siren, isn't that the point of it?

I must say that knowing Hearse a bit, I believe he gets some kind of masochist enjoyment from it all - and heck, I guess Misanthrope does also!

-Villain (going to sleep)