Saw alarum video clip on rage...


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Realize... pretty cool clip,

Metal :headbang:

Just got an email back from mark (vox/bass), he thinks it's pretty damn cool to get played on rage...

edit: He also said that next time they were up here, they might play Peice of time and... uh... i think he said How could I as well...

Good stuff ecstatic... warp zone is awesome...

don't be dissapointed by hopeless hopes, the guitars are still awesome, but the production and vox are a bit weak, and they had a different drummer at the time i think, so it's more thrash, and less technicality, but still cool stuff... The album actually ends off with the first clean riff of warp zone, so that the two albums link up... cool idea, same with the last song on warp zone being made up of riffs from the whole album, cool idea...
