Saw Opeth on compilation DVD


Sep 16, 2003
San Diego
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And I forgot the title! Bunch of live performances by metal bands. I'm thinking it was Metal Madness 2003 or Metal Mania 2003.

It had just "Deliverance" from Opeth (from what show I don't know), but there were three tracks from Anathema and Saxon's "Princess of the Night" (my favorite Saxon song!). I didn't get it because I bought too much shit that night (Bloodbath, Ayreon, and The Butterfly Effect DVD).

Anybody know what DVD I'm talking about? Is it worth getting?
yeah , i have this's Metalmania 2003 , published by Metal Mind, in's from a festival in Poland last year..
It's pretty good really..evrything's alright, meaning sound and video..
It has been played where My Dying Bride , Anathema and lots of other Metal bands recorded their DVD..the other bands are Marduk , Lost Vision , Samael, Vader, Anathema (who covered the Iron Maiden Phantom Of The Opera in one of the best versions i've ever listened to )...and you have a audio cd with it , for the little stage...
it's really pretty well done..except the cover which is looks kinda bad !! (a Paul Di'anno bootleg cover ?? :grin: )
You could easily find this DVD on Ebay for something like 15$ ...
That's the one! I saw it at Tower Records. Should have bought it anyway instead of Butterfly Effect (it has a crack in it!). How was "Deliverance"? Same as the Lamentations version?
Lord_AgathoN said:
the butterfly effect? Moonspell dvd? Tell me about that one plz

I'm guessing he's talking about the recent thriller starring that fuckin' guy from "punk'd" and "that 70's show"...Ashton somethinrather...yeah him... anyhow, I thought it was a pretty decent movie actually.