
Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
Did anyone see it yet? I loved it... It didn't scare me in the theater, but now that I think back on it it's really creepy. The girl with the reverse beartrap was the freakiest for me, since I have a problem with doing things in a short amount of time.

Anyhow, discuss the ending, supposed "plotholes," and the like. Just warn before giving any spoilers.
Just saw it. Awesome. This is gonna come back to freak me out when I go to bed tonight.

The identity of the killer totally threw me for a loop. Was NOT expecting that.

Anyway, if you liked Se7en, go see this. It's similar in plot, but much better in mood.
it was made by 2 australians that conned hollywood , its a fact, look it up for their $7,000 demo....
I really liked the film, good plots twists and stuff. Every now and then though the film making itself was a little off. Like it shifted style for brief moments, the car chase for example being in fast forward made it almost comical.

But overall, very good film and totally worth seeing.

I am also a hypercritical person so any slight mishap and I am all over it. :loco:
yes yes it was awesome! best movie ive seen in awhile...the only flaw: Cary Elwes's bad acting near the end....
yeah Reuben! we all went "HOLY SHIT" when that part occured!
Ive heard this movie was very easy to predict and disappointing. I havent seen it yet though, I want to but have heard its not as good as it looks.
Haven't seen it..
but, I watched the Incredibles last night

I thought it was pretty cute :dopey: