
Hemmerleinhalle Forever
Jan 22, 2003
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Hallo zusammen,

kann mir bitte jemand kurz schreiben, was in Deutschland bei der o. g. SAXON-Tournee abläuft? Höre und lese jetzt immer häufiger, dass das ein Sammelsurium aus Verlosung, DJ´s, Konservenmusik, Verkaufsaktionen, Prämierungen und Konzert sein soll. Spielt SAXON ein komplettes Konzert (mit eben jeden Songs aus 1980-84) oder sind das immer nur "Einlagen"?

Vielen Dank und schöne Grüsse an alle

macc189 said:
sorry, didnt get any of that, maybe one of our other german members could translate for us?

Macc 189 I did my best to make a translation, hope this will help a bit more:

Hello, everybody,

Can somebody write me in short, what is the programm of the Saxon NWOBH – Tour of Germany 2005 ?

Hear and read every time and again, more often, that it is a mixture of Lottery (give-away things), Disk-jockeys, Old-Classic musik, (so musik that stood the test of time, music from the past = just like beans in metal cans (=Konserven) to preserve from rot, heavycelli), Sellingactions, Rewardings and a Concert.

Does Saxon play a whole Concert, with also every (!) song from the period 1980 til 1984,or is it just/only parts taken from those period that will be put together to a whole

Thank you very much and greetings to everyone !
