Saxon Chat


Crazy even without Drugs
well hello folks !

maybe someone would like to join a saxon-chat in order to talk anything about saxon-stuff. maybe picture-exchange of gigs or something like that...

i am always on the euirc net and so i decided to make a saxon-tribute-channel

maybe someone would like to join...


port: 6667
channel: #SaxoN

hope 2 c u there !

greetz from germany :headbang:
well there are many ways to get to the irc (internet relay chat)

for example you can use the simple online-chat : (needs java to be enabled)

just insert your free choosable nickname - the server ( - the port (6667) - your real name :p - and the channel (#saxon)

thats the easiest and most simple way to get into it. its not very comfortable but thats all you really need. for those who want it a little bit more professional there is the mirc-chat-program (30 days trial) to get more functions and more channels to browse

get it from here:

well thats all for now

greetz from germany :headbang:

ok guys, where are you all at? Is it really only me and Saxonator who are interested in a closer "saxonian community"?

Give it a try.

Hi Nightwar,

it is not exactly like MSN, it is more like a chatroom (ok, you can say it is like the yahoo chatrooms :) ).
IRC chatrooms are really neat over a longer time, when there are a couple of people hanging around there frequently.

Right now it's of course rather slow with only a few people there...give it a few times a try, and when you once enter it and nobody is there, just try again. It's like a message board, it needs content and people willing to form a community to make it great.
I used that analogy to a message board with a reason you write messages and reply to a are chatting. Awww..... :p