Saxon - I Can't Wait Anymore...Remix?

David J.

New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2003
I recently bought the "Live Innocence & Video Anthology" DVD and noticed that the version of "I Can't Wait Anymore" is different (a bit more keyboards, etc.) from the album version on Destiny. Is there an album that contains this version? I was listening to a clip of the song at Amazon on the "Collection of Metal" compilation and it sounds like it could be the version I'm talking about, but it's hard to tell because of the clip quality.

I'd appreciate any info.

David J. said:
I recently bought the "Live Innocence & Video Anthology" DVD and noticed that the version of "I Can't Wait Anymore" is different (a bit more keyboards, etc.) from the album version on Destiny. Is there an album that contains this version? I was listening to a clip of the song at Amazon on the "Collection of Metal" compilation and it sounds like it could be the version I'm talking about, but it's hard to tell because of the clip quality.

I'd appreciate any info.

Hi,I have'nt heard this version on any album,i think this version may have been released for the american market(i think it's awful)Loved the original.The video is shite too. :yuk:
Welcome, David J - nice post, my Good Man!
I've got the Video Anthology and must admit, I did not notice a difference at the time of watching it. But Destiny is not one of my most well-played CDs, if you know what I mean?! Although, I do think 'I Can't Wait Anymore' is a great pop-rock song. Whenever I've heard it, the tune stays in the brain for a fair amount of time. If that song was given to someone like Cher, it would've been a huge hit!
I will check out the video tonight and see if I can notice the differences. Like MidnightRider stated, this was a time when Saxon were trying to break into the US market, so crappy videos and production changes followed!
Talking about that Anthology - if I can recall, 'The Power & The Glory' has an actual live version playing for the video, yeah? Weird!
nightwar said:
I've got the Video Anthology and must admit, I did not notice a difference at the time of watching it.

Im also guilty of not noticing any difference also! But then, when i break out the saxon dvds im usually in a celebratory mood due to lots of alcohol !


Live Innocence Rules!
Valanx - I think you may have got me in one with that! You've made me realise a bit of a pattern in my behaviour: Whenever the Music vids come out, it does tend to be about 2am and I'm completely pissed!
I suppose it is similiar to the 'kebab' syndrome you experience whilst very drunk and staggering around the City Centre! For some reason, you just have to do it!
nightwar said:
I suppose it is similiar to the 'kebab' syndrome you experience whilst very drunk and staggering around the City Centre! For some reason, you just have to do it!

Yeah its a strange phenomenon the kebab! I would never even consider touching one of those evil things when im sober, and yet after a few beers them nasty things become so desirable! As i guess it works in the same way as with ugly girls.....but im certainly no expert on that!!! lol