Saxon in France

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guillaume
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Hello !
I am a french SAXOn fan since thr Greatest hits live and I would like to speak about a Saxon concert. Last year, i saw Saxon in Lyon in May. The show started at 7 H00 PM. We arrived at 14 H00 Pm. I were with my brother and we saw Biff speaking with the bus driver. I wore a Eagle has landed 2 tee-shirt and patch motorcycleman.We speaked some words: Biff told us he was in Madrid the day before and it was, to him, GREAT ! This guy is so nice !
The show
It started at 8h15 PM. Before, there was a french band: Nightmare ! They were good but when SAXOn came the crowd became crazy. They played Metalhead, Dogs of war, Crusader, Wheels of steel, and the bands played on.... WAOUH !
What a success ! their were about 300 people !

Thank You Saxon for this concert and Dont let the bastards grind you down !!!
