Saxon- Midnight Rider video

Twisted Tony

Old School Metalhead
Mar 18, 2002
Bricktown, NJ
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I was watching VH1 Classics last night. They have a 1 hour Metal show called "Metal Mania".

Well last night they played a Saxon video! It was live footage of the band playing Midnight Rider.

The video kinda looks like this:


That's not a screen shot. But definitely pretty close to what the video looked like. Biff is pretty much wearing the exact same outfit. Paul was wearing the baseball cap. And Steve had on the samething. Graham was wearing something red. Most of the time the camera is focusing on Biff.

It was a nice surprise! I haven't seen a Saxon video in ages! The last one was for Broken Heros. And before that it was the Power & the Glory video which happen to be the video that got me into Saxon wayyyyyy back in the day.
I've got the video Anthology at home and there are some awful ones on there. Nightmare is particulary funny. Ride like the Wind is pretty cool though.

I like watching them to see how Paul Quinns wigs have evolved over the years. The Innocence comb-over and sun visor look was one of my fav's, funny as fuck! :lol:
I haven't seen too many videos of the boys except for "Just let Me Rock" (I'm in the U.S. and only 33 so that was my first exposure at ALL).

I, too, was amazed at Paul's wigs. It took me a while to figure which one was Paul when I was looking at old pics without much experience. Why do rockers (like Kevin DuBrow, for example) insist on getting wigs/weaves that appear to be more hair than they EVER had? Boggles the mind.

I was so pleased to see Paul put on the bandana and just deal with it. Much cooler.