SAXON on Metal Sludge

Coming Home

New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2006
I posted an announcement about SAXON's new CD on Metal Sludge the other day. Just wanted to get the word out to as many people as possible, to support a great band.

I expected to get a lot of bashing, because the people over there are pretty quick to attack. However, it's probably one of the 'nets biggest metal forums so I figured it might be good exposure.

I was surprised and got all positive comments. Looks like a few people actually went to the SAXON site and listened to the previews and may buy the CD's American release.

Other people were already fans, as well they should be! :headbang:
Nice one "Coming Home", don't forget to join the new forum when its up and running.

Oh and if you can afford it buy the enhanced copy with DVD its great. :kickass: Live from the homeland of SAXONATOR :headbang: