Saxon Photos at King Tut's, Glasgow


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Finally managed to get around to getting my Saxon pics on at long last. There's about 14 pics taken at King Tut's in Glasgow and there's also a few of Budgie taken at the Renfrew Ferry in Glasgow as well. If you want to know what a Princess of the Night really looks like, check out those Budgie photos can I think I might be in one of them. YIKES!!!!

PS. It takes a few minutes to load, so keep calm and keep on rockin!!!
You'll need to wait till tomorrow to have a peek at these photos cos I've just realised I've put too many pics in the site and you can't access it now until tomorrow. Ever felt like putting an axe through your PC.
Thanks in adavance!

I check em out 2moro!!

Cant say ive ever felt like taking an axe to my computer...But my friends girlfriend once took a hammer to his monitor! I think that was around the time he suddenly stopped talking to girls in chat rooms!
No worries, Your Royal Highness -

I often feel this way towards my PC!
In fact, I will be moving home soon, and part of me moving will be a change of PC - I'm gonna get a laptop.
When I purchase that baby, the hard drive I'm currently using is going to feel a pain that it will not be able to calculate!
I am going to take great pleasure in throwing it out of a 3rd floor window onto solid cement! - and I ain't joking! It's going down!!!! It deserves no better!
nightwar said:
I am going to take great pleasure in throwing it out of a 3rd floor window onto solid cement! - and I ain't joking! It's going down!!!! It deserves no better!

LOL, I'd love to see that, try and get someone to film it as it disintegrates into tiny pieces that would be cool.

I often feel like throwing the PC out the window, especially yesterday cos it took ages getting those pics on only to find out no-one could bloody well access them. I've got them on another site but you need to me a member before you can see them. Anyhoooooo I've looked today and everything seems to be ok, so hopefully everyone can have a wee nosey at them.
LOL! Yeah - I will make sure I film it, Your Royal Highness!

Anyone that knows me will tell you I'm not the aggresive type, but that hard drive has had it coming for a long time! Honest!! The amount of time that the thing has taken from me - from crashing and stuff - is immense! It is espicially annoying when I have been simply visiting the forum - or posting - and it has suddenly decided to go weird on me and I lose everything!!!

Just thinking of it smashing into pieces as it hits the tarmac gives me a great sense of well-being! I think I may actually go and stamp on it a few hundred times as well - just to make sure! You know - do the ultimate death-move on it!!?

God, I hate that thing!!!
Has anyone managed to see these pics yet? Yesterday morning you could see them ok but I had a look again last night and it was saying "Bandwidth Exceeded" and it's still saying that. I'm a bit dense when it comes to all things hi-tech, so can anyone tell me how I can get these pics on here, they're quite good, so it would be cool if everyone could see them. There must be some other way but I've just woken up and can't think straight just now.
Thanks Imp and Valanx, I'm glad you're finally getting to see them. Just seems to depend on the time you access them, then you can get in to see them. Just need to keep trying I think everyone else. I took tons more at Budgie but only put a couple of them on. I took quite a few at Whitesnake as well but I don't know what happened cos only about 4 pics are worth looking at. They all turned out really dull, don't understand it cos that stage was lit up like a Christmas tree.
Of course you can use some of my pics if you like Nightwar - for a small fee of course. Only kidding, feel free to do whatever you like with them. I think I took about 25 pics that night but only put about 14 on here. Nearer the time when you're doing your book, I can email you the whole lot of them if you want. I had a wee look at the photos on here yesterday and I could only see about 4 of them, the rest were all just red crosses. I don't know what the problem is.
WOW .... Many Thanks for the views !

You're Lucky....!
looks like you were close to the band !

*When will they return to the U.S. ...?
**(I'LL be there for sure)!!

Thanks for the Pics princess of the night2112
Bigtomie - I'm pretty sure that Saxon will be visiting the U.S shortly! The demand has been amazing. I reckon that once the band fufill their other obligations, a visit to the Stateside in inevitable! I shall keep my fingers crossed for you!

Your Royal Highness - Thanks! But, when I do get this project off the ground (after interviews etc), I will see where I am lacking pictures and stuff for the book and that is when I will appreciate lots of input! Of course, I will be happy to pay for material. I think the material I do decide to use will probably be purchased on a commision kind of basis - relating to how many copies sold, you know?
Projects like this take an awfully long time to get working, but as there is a very limited amount of material about Saxon on the internet, I know that photographs and such will be provided by forum members eventually.
You're Lucky....!
looks like you were close to the band !

Yes I think I was only about 4 feet away from the band Bigtomie which was amazing. I managed to find a good position, I stood on a bench on the left side so managed to get some good pics without too many headbangers getting in the way. It was a really brilliant concert, Saxon were the best ever that night, it was just pure heavy metal heaven. Hope you manage to get to see them soon.
Thanks, Your Royal Highness - but when the book gets published, things like this will have to be organised properly. For example, imagine how angry you would be if I took all the glory for your photos and the book went on to sell thousands!!
No-one is going to make much money from a project like this - unless Saxon suddenly become as big as Led Zep or something! - but all contributions need to be credited some how.
The band history is pretty easy to write, but the gold is in the interviews from band members past and present. After that, anecdotes and such from fans will add depth to the book.
It's a long way off, but I think it is a project worth completing.

So, all photos are very welcome, but I promise that I will let you know if I plan to use them, ok?