Saxon song played in pub recently.

May 16, 2001
St.ALbans, England
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Well, in Scruffy Murphys in the centre of Birmingham, they have a classic rock night downstairs on a Saturday I think it was! Anyway, the dj played loads of great songs including Heavy Metal Thunder by Saxon. I just could not believe how good it sounded played really loud. I think that the production of those early 80s albums are really good for their time. Much better than a lot of bands around at the time.

Just wanted to share that with you:)
I was in the rock club in Leicester.Upstairs they plaed cyber goth whatever that fucking is.Downstairs they played old stuff but woudnt play any saxon wankers.But they did play Priest,Motorhead,Ramones,Fugazi,Mudhoney and the Damned so all was not lost.
I was at the Witchwood in Ashton a while back waiting to see Live Wire (a great AC/DC tribute band), and on came Wheels of Steel. Whether it had anything to do with me wearing a Saxon t shirt (I was standing right in front of the DJ box at the time) I don't know, but it great to hear it!