saxon studio album lottery


Oct 19, 2003
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ok might sound like a daft thread this, but i thought it might be a bit on fun

As we no saxon are in the studio doing there new studio album as well as the fest dates.

So just for a crazy idea would anyone like to have a crack at naming the title of saxons next album ive had a few thoughts but nothing deffo yet, so if anyone wants to start it off feel free.:lol:

Or what they would like the album to be called
As the board is read quite frequently by the band they should call it..................

"The Cheese and Tomato sandwich mystery"

Perhaps it could be a concept album?
Id like saxon to do something a little bit different with this new album, example have the 10 new songs or whatever amount they decide to put on.

Then all the songs that dident make it onto the finished album, i would put onto a cd2 disc in the same packaging on saxons new album.

what ya think ????????