Say Bok Gwai - Say Bok Gwai


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Say Bok Gwai - Say Bok Gwai
Monkey King Records – 2004
By Russell Garwood


Thirty tracks. Thirty-three minutes? Grindcore album? Yeah, that’s what I thought too. But I was wrong… kind of. Say Bok Gwai are an unusual band indeed. This self titled release showcases a mix of grind, purer thrash and hardcore, and a healthy dose of punk. Add socio-political songs, nearly all sung in Cantonese, and occasional tongue-in-cheek English lyrics, and you have an unforgiving yet highly entertaining and original release. There is some variation in speed, with slower tracks showing melody, fast paced pieces being the punkiest, and ultra-fast grind songs providing the brutality. The guitars are diverse, showing many different styles. Dissonance is used to great effect, and when this is not the case, there is rarely any melody at all. No bassist is listed in the personnel, and - if there is one - they are well hidden in the mix. The drums can be sloppy at times, but are otherwise well performed, and fitting. The vocals are a mix between a crouch and a screech - nothing too unusual, but effective nevertheless.

Some of the more experimental outings on Say Bok Gwaican be very interesting, while the more straightforward pieces are sometimes enjoyable, and at other times too short. Muddy production is only to be expected. Overall, this is an unusual and enjoyable release. Far from perfect, it is nevertheless (largely) well performed, undoubtedly a pleasant break from the norm, and addresses some interesting issues. Well worth checking out for grind/hardcore fans.


Official Monkey King Records website
Official Say Bok Gwai website
Thought I had this at the Thai restaurant around the corner last week. It's still burning its way through my colon. :hotjump:

Seriously, what does the name mean?
"Bok Gwai" is a term which literally translates to "white ghost".

It's a derogatory racial slur that many Chinese use when referring to white people.
It's like a white calling a Chinese a "chink" or a "gook".

My wife's Chinese, so I have direct access to the language!
"Say Bok Gwai" is Cantonese and literally means "Die White Ghost" in English. The three Chinese characters confirm this, though it would be more accurate to pronounce the three words as "Sei Bak Gwai". It is Cantonese slang meaning "Fucking White People", or "Damn White People". Basically a derogatory term denouncing white people.