viewerfromnihil Vein-Marbled Tower May 29, 2008 7,601 833 113 33 Berlin, Germany Jul 29, 2008 #3,521 never heard it belphegor-swarm of rats
Shmu To Bored To Live Jul 11, 2006 1,429 0 36 37 Grc Jul 29, 2008 #3,522 Awesome band ! Warrel Dane - Your Chosen Misery
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Jul 29, 2008 #3,523 One of the better songs on the album Ashes Divide - Ritual
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Jul 29, 2008 #3,524 listened to that album once, thought the vocals were horrible and deleted it. love apc though.
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Jul 29, 2008 #3,525 I actually like Ashes Divide more than apc. Yes, I'm weird
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Jul 29, 2008 #3,526 for lack of a better description, I found the vocals slightly "gay" and "emo." I can handle that, but not against darker music like AD, it just wasn't clicking for me. keep it going. Spazz - Gnome Servant
for lack of a better description, I found the vocals slightly "gay" and "emo." I can handle that, but not against darker music like AD, it just wasn't clicking for me. keep it going. Spazz - Gnome Servant
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Jul 29, 2008 #3,527 hehe I see what you mean. I do find those vocals more straightforward than Maynard's slightly pretentious and overblown style though.
hehe I see what you mean. I do find those vocals more straightforward than Maynard's slightly pretentious and overblown style though.
viewerfromnihil Vein-Marbled Tower May 29, 2008 7,601 833 113 33 Berlin, Germany Jul 29, 2008 #3,528 once again, i've never heard of it nevermore-the heart collector
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Jul 29, 2008 #3,529 Pretty good tune.. slightly overrated though Porcupine Tree - Mellotron Scratch
Kvlt Wench sews no mercy Jun 23, 2003 9,232 107 63 San Francisco Jul 29, 2008 #3,530 Good song. Don't look at me with your mother's eyes or your killer smile! Blind Guardian - Trial by Fire (SATAN cover!)
Good song. Don't look at me with your mother's eyes or your killer smile! Blind Guardian - Trial by Fire (SATAN cover!)
Jeff-Loomis-fan Member Oct 13, 2003 3,387 3 38 38 NL - Gelderland Jul 29, 2008 #3,531 satan cover!? oh well Blind Gaurdian is kind of ok actually,...thought i disliked it but after a few listens it isnt that bad. NP: Into Eternity - Severe Emotional Distress
satan cover!? oh well Blind Gaurdian is kind of ok actually,...thought i disliked it but after a few listens it isnt that bad. NP: Into Eternity - Severe Emotional Distress
EricT Don't you ever get... Aug 25, 2005 11,326 38 48 Lost In Necropolis Jul 29, 2008 #3,532 That song isn't one of their best... Actually, probably in the bottom 5. Entombed - Sinners Bleed
Cat5Messiah Violator of Sheep Jan 21, 2003 9,463 226 63 41 Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA Jul 29, 2008 #3,533 I once heard Entombed classified as "Soundgarden on PCP". Scar Symmetry - Detach From the Outcome
Superior Member Jan 12, 2006 775 0 16 Loo-a-vul Jul 30, 2008 #3,534 Where the fuck did you hear that about entombed? Opeth - Heir Apparent
[KOTNO]Narrot Eats and spits corpses... Sep 2, 2001 9,593 21 38 40 Stockholm, Sweden Visit site Jul 30, 2008 #3,535 good song. <3 opeth np iced earth - diary
Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Jul 31, 2008 #3,536 Iced Earth is pretty cool sometimes. The Crown -Death Explosion
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Jul 31, 2008 #3,537 the crown doesn't mess around. artillery - beneath the clay (R.I.P.)
Nikki Member Apr 13, 2006 10,760 69 48 Everywhere Jul 31, 2008 #3,538 I need to check them out. Legend of Zelda Windwaker soundtrack
EricT Don't you ever get... Aug 25, 2005 11,326 38 48 Lost In Necropolis Jul 31, 2008 #3,539 Nikki said: I need to check them out. Legend of Zelda Windwaker soundtrack Click to expand... I fucking hated that soundtrack. The game was ok, but the soundtrack blew bags of dicks. Glad they much improved it with Twilight Princess. Hour of 13 - Call To Satan
Nikki said: I need to check them out. Legend of Zelda Windwaker soundtrack Click to expand... I fucking hated that soundtrack. The game was ok, but the soundtrack blew bags of dicks. Glad they much improved it with Twilight Princess. Hour of 13 - Call To Satan
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jul 31, 2008 #3,540 "Hi there, Satan, how ya been?..." the sword - the black river (stfu eric)