say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

I haven't listened to Blackfield in ages... I may have to change that later.

Enslaved - Reflection

This new Enslaved record is a definite "ZOMG GOTTA BUY RIGHT NOW WHY ISN'T IT OUT ZOMG!" disc.
Yeah, this new enslaved album is very progressive. Not a far stretch from what they've been doing for the last few albums, but, following the trend of the last few albums it dives down more and more into the realm of pure progressive metal.

Bloodbath is alright.

Enslaved - The Watcher
m'kay... could be worth a shot. someone sent me a few songs in like 2004 and I think it reminded me a bit Opeth? (could be wrong here haha) Anyway I'll dl the album and try it out. I've been in a trying out mood lately since I'm tired of most my favourite bands atm.
*yawn*... At The Gates were fucking intense at Wacken though.

Iced Earth - High Water Mark