say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

No idea. That's your project, right?

Grateful Dead - Touch of Grey (1987-05-03)

Yeah it is. If you want it, lemme know and I'll send it to you over IM or sumpin'. Liverslapper's got it too so maybe you can score it off of him if you want. You've probably got much better stuff to listen to for now, though :p.
Yeah it is. If you want it, lemme know and I'll send it to you over IM or sumpin'. Liverslapper's got it too so maybe you can score it off of him if you want. You've probably got much better stuff to listen to for now, though :p.

Go ahead and send it... I think my IM shit is in my profile.

I'll get around to it at somepoint, heh.
times of motherfucking grace*

* - actual album title isn't that awesome. but still. FUCKING BUY IT.

<3 neurosis so fucking much

np - frank sinatra - new york, new york playing at the baseball game that my dad's watching across the hall. weird, because the stadium is in baltimore, but oh well, it's frank sinatra, goddamnit!