say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Don't really see why everyone loves that band so much

Alchemist- Single Sided

Eternal Wedlock Demo, 1987
Demo '91 Demo, 1991
Jar Of Kingdom Full-length, 1993 [1 review, 78%]
Promo 94 Demo, 1994
Lunasphere Full-length, 1995
Spiritech Full-length, 1997 [2 reviews, average 96%]
Eve of the War EP, 1998
Promo 99 Demo, 1999
Organasm Full-length, 2000 [4 reviews, average 98%]
Austral Alien Full-length, 2003 [1 review, 89%]
Embryonics Best of/Compilation, 2005 [1 review, 94%]
Tripsis Full-length, 2007 [2 reviews, average 84%]

np: Shining - Yttligare Ett Steg Närmare Total Jävla Utfrysning
This album would make a teletubby kill himself.
This doesn't count as a post but THANK YOU! I'm the last person in the world who will advocate musicianship but Max doesn't even know the name of his low E string.

Not to say he can't play technically cause I don't care about that. I saw it in an interview.

So do Hetfield