say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

I was high on fire the other day... fucking smoke inhalation.

As for Hammers, the Unholy Cadaver demo is WAAAAAAAY different than their other material. Think more like Ludicra, but with a few more traditional metal elements in there. A bit of a step more basic than The Bastard was.

Airged L'amh - Intro/Guardian Of The Ancient Deeds
i must admit i dont really care for venom. i can see where they influenced, but their riffs are just too primitive and boring. vocals are pretty meh, plus their whole satan thing was all shtick, and they looked absurd, i know it was the 80s but their aviators and mustaches are ridiculous (for a band trying to be 'evil' usually mustaches rule).

Taake - Nattestid VII
I dig.

Cynic - The Eagle Nature

P.S What should I play with a partner for next performance? How Could I or Bark at the Moon (both acoustic for the moment)?
Fuck yeah! Recently got Anima Mundi, and I may like it even more than Dominaeon. They are moving up to be my favorite doom band at the moment. The singer fricken rox.

I'm not listening to anything, i just wanted to comment on Forsaken.