say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Not a fan of that album for the most part... grabbed their new album a bit ago though, its pretty damn good.

In The Woods... - Yearning The Seeds Of A New Dimension
deedledee deedledeedeedledeedeedledee deedledee deedledee deedledeedeedledeedeedledeedeedledeedeedledee

edit: eric ninjaed me :erk:

electric wizard - the chosen few
Good young Jedi. Now listen to Isa by Enslaved and don't listen to the people who tell you they were better before turning prog black. Although Alfadr Odin live was fucking amazing.

Enslaved-Return To Yggdrasill

Edit-Also the title track from Ruun does suck, but Entroper and Essence were great. I know what you mean about getting tired of the new material too Eric, I think I overlistened to it.
The title track from Ruun sucks, the rest of the album is grand though.

Edit: God damn ninjas. Det Som is listening to a great song on the other hand.

Edit: And their former albums were much better in some aspects. Starting to get sick of their later material, actually.

Edit: Actually, Isa and Ruun, while not bad albums in their own aspect (actually I quite like them), were weak in terms of Enslaved albums. If you're looking for their best of their later material, Below the Lights is where to go. Otherwise, listen to Blodhemn, such a fucking great album.

In The Woods... - Pigeon
Electric Wizard is the shit.

In The Woods... - The Divinity Of Wisdom.

Checking out In The Woods... is not a single song type of thing. Listening to entire albums is the only way to truely gather the shear intensity of the band.

All 3 Full Lengths are amazing. Also, if you haven't heard Green Carnations - Journey to the End of the Night , do. It is essentially a contiuation of In The Woods... in several aspects. As well as some parts of LODDOD.