say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Windir is better. :lol:

Naglfar-The Perpetual Horrors

Alright Melodic Black, but that wasn't from a very good album. Can't remember the track itself.

Nomans Land - Hail Normann!!!
That was one of the coolest splits EVER. Emperor wins though.

Orodruin - Melancholia

Check em out neal... doom to the fucking doomiest doom.
quite a sales pitch, i will check them out!

i gotta give it to Thorns on that split. Emperor was more out of their element, but i like Thorns material more.

Thorns - Cosmic Keys
I thought Thorns performance weakened over the length of the split... REGARDLESS, really fun split it was.

Orodruin - Pierced by Cruel Winds