say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Tolkien is overrated, why are they singing about it? After listening, it's ok, I guess. The subject matter wouldn't hold my interest.
However, it is SUPERIOR to this:

In Flames - Alias. I'm forcing myself to hear the whole CD, and this is a major undertaking. There will not be a second listen.
I saw a dude at a show one time with a homemade t-shirt that said "Your mother likes Absu." I didn't know what to think haha.

Blotted Science - The Machinations of Dementia

FUCK this is awesome shit!! This is the first time I've heard it and I'm bummed it took me so long to check it out. Nice to hear Alex playing some dynamic stuff finally.
reminds me of that movie Tombstone when Doc was playing chopin on the piano and the cowboy wants him to play some steven foster. then Doc killed that guy later. awesome. Kurt Russell is in that too. fucking fantastic film.

Arghoslent - Quelling the Simian Surge (tell me this title doesnt induce lolz)
reminds me of that movie Tombstone when Doc was playing chopin on the piano and the cowboy wants him to play some steven foster. then Doc killed that guy later. awesome. Kurt Russell is in that too. fucking fantastic film.

Arghoslent - Quelling the Simian Surge (tell me this title doesnt induce lolz)


Arghoslent - Swill of the Knaves


Arghoslent > Any other band in this thread.