Say something nice about one person who posts here.

wullief has a cool avatar, much like the picture on the postcard I got from Bruce when I was 16 - I dunno if he still does those from his website or not. I hope not. Because then i'd be special.
I have to say that mourningstar (Val) and her sweetie Lee (UltimaIbanezOverlord) are a kickass couple of people; they've been fun to talk to for a year or more now (even though I never see Lee around here anymore). Cool people. :)
I'll say Duck attack, cos he said me!! And he is pretty together........and I'd like to mention Rainking for those who don't know him - he is the kind of guy you would want watching your back.

Both of those guys are very cool people.
Quote: Originally Posted by Ethereal Sage
I support the idea of this thread, but I don't like to single poeple out in public view as it may cause a negative reaction in others. Those who are special to me know who they are :)
Ahh how sweet. *insert thumbs down here*