scalloped frets

It's not my main player. My DV8-R is my main player.

But that Progressive Scalloping thing is actually an amazing idea, especially for me, since my writing is extremely technical and is mostly fills and stuff.
eaeolian said:
I wouldn't get your main player scalloped unless you're sure you like it. I can play scallops, but I don't own a scalloped guitar at the moment. (That will probably change soon, however.)

Believe it or not, our drummer (who also plays guitar) got into the idea, and he's been doing great work - he does "progressive" scalloping, where they're shallower on the low frets/bass side and get get deeper as you go up/across the neck. It's a pretty cool concept:

High E side:

Low B side: (This happens to be a seven string)

Hmm. No image posting? ;) Follow the links, then.

wow, thats is fucking cool has hell, apply for a patent yet?
I know this may sound stupid but about how much it would cost to scallop a fretboard?
I would really like to try it, maybe with my warlock.
i love scalopped necks,

I love the grip you can get on a string, i love the freedom its granted me in my playing. I had carpel and honestly the scalopped neck helped me in ALOT of ways.

I used to play with a DEATH GRIP on the fretboard, switching to scalopped has forced me to be more delicate. In turn its also cleaned up my playing.

and i LOVE the increased sustain of the notes.