Yes I can give you a reason, considering the reality that the Marxist wanted to push their philosophy across the globe and the fact that they had control over Russia and reorganized their political system from a centuries old Czarist monarchy, to a brutal and oppressive Soviet regime hell bent on conquering Europe, including Germany, made Hitler realize this is the most dangerous foe to Germany and the entire West. People like Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess understood that Great Britain was Germanic but under the control of communist sympathizers, they also understood that it would take everything that had to knock out the Bolsheviks of the east, if they didnt, they would take over Germany and all of Europe and the Nazi party would be killed. This of course happened, except the Soviet Union had help from the United States and Great Britain. The former two nations were walking a tight rope with the Soviets.
Since when did communism equal slavery? Perhaps when political prisoners were forced to do endless labor, until their deaths? The gulags maybe? But of course, the Soviet Union and their communist guidance did not allow their opposition to voice their opinions freely. The Nazis didnt want war with Poland at first, they wanted to negotiate. They wanted Poland to join the anti-Comintern Pact which was signed on November 25 1936, which was against communism. Without Western interference, who were very sympathetic to communism, the Poles may have agreed. Poland, under the leadership of Józef Pilsudski had fought off the Soviet Union during the Polish-Soviet war of February 1919 to March 1921. This kind of nationalism was a serious threat to communist success.
War broke out between Poland and Nazi Germany because of Danzig, a city with a majority German population that was part of the German Empire established on January 18 1871. The Danzig question couldve been settled between Poland and Germany, but there was interference by Great Britain and the United States, so the Poles didnt negotiate. Then the Nazis allied with the Soviet Union and they both invaded Poland in September of 1939. The allies, who promised military aid if Poland was invaded, did not prevent the take over of Poland. As mentioned before, the Soviet Union was a threat to the world, it would of made sense if both Poland, Nazi Germany, and the Western allies all removed the Bolsheviks from power. That didnt happen, the allies joined the Soviet Union, and betrayed Poland at the Yalta conference.
Maybe because the Soviet Union were actually able to wipe out the entire West, and the Nazis were the only military and political power that could stop such an invasion? Or perhaps not bankrupt Great Britain trying to destroy the Nazis? What about preserving their empire, that they lost fighting the Nazis? If Great Britain wasnt guided by Winston Churchills insane policies, then Hitler wouldve never invaded Great Britain. Then all of his resources could be sent to the east, rather then consume them in the West. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis wanted to knock out the Soviet Union and that wouldve been a good thing for Poles, Ukrainians, Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Lithuanians, Brits, and even the Americans. That goes for the rest of the world. The propagandist can moan and groan about Hitlers secret map all they want, meanwhile the Soviet Union has control over all of eastern Europe with the West on their agenda, with no secrets at all.
Great, but what about the communist, who took over many European nations, all the way to East Germany? Would America help them out? If anything, the Nazis prevented a total communist take over of the Western world, NOBODY else in the West would stand up against the red army, instead they would assist their carnage and take over of eastern Europe. I suppose the Western allies had more important things to do such as harass the Nazis and call them fascist who want to take over the world, meanwhile America was much larger then all of Nazi Germany and Great Britain had an empire that stretched across the world. The US and Great Britain still control the world today, but it is always easy to point the finger isnt it?
The Nazis did not want to wipe out all other races and religions, that is part of the propaganda so Americans would point their guns at the Germans. In fact, the non-European or non-white world is actually more sympathetic to Nazi Germany then other white Aryans or Nordic Westerners in America, Great Britain, etc. Because Westerners are ignorant, whereas many people in the non-white world arent. They may be third world because they cant adopt Western standards, but they are far more knowledgeable then white people are about politics and history. Hitler is very popular in India, for example and a new biography of Ghandi claims he praised Adolf Hitler. There is also a story about how many Indians see Hitler has trendy.
That is where you are wrong again, they were keen on taking Europe over and they succeeded with parts of Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, East Germany, etc. Not to mention, Soviet determination to conquer all of Europe was a motivation for Hitler to strike the Soviet Union first
this was known as Operation Barbarossa which started on June 22 1941.
So by that time, the Soviet Union was to powerful to be defeated? They were on the side of the Western allies, but that wouldnt last forever
ever here about the cold war? All this talk about betraying the forces that helped defeat the Nazis a nation that didnt even want war against America in the first place. Undermine the anti-Japanese war effort? The United States already dropped a bomb on Hiroshima, destroying that city, something that wasnt even necessary. Then the Soviet Union joined America against the Japanese, wow, like we really need their help. America could of defeated the Soviet Union with our nuclear weapons, but instead we will wait until they have enormous numbers of nuclear bombs during the cold war.
Everyone knows except our intelligence community who suggest Iran halted its program in 2003. This business about George Bush not wanting to go to war because he doesnt want to ruin the Republican parties chance for election sounds good, but he will certainly push forward regardless.