
I only skimmed through these posts yesterday and i guess i hadn't detected t the patronizing tone in some of these posts...

I'm sure many cat lovers would disagree. There is a big difference between a cat toying with a mouse (which actually has the utilitarian function of helping cats hone their hunting skills) and some shithead who, say, lights a cat on fire in order to derive some sick pleasure from watching it suffer in immense pain.

Why would you even say something like that unless you wanted to be a condescending prick?

Some people are interested in things other than WWII, y'know?

You actually think you win with that?? Well, that has to be the single most stupid argument i've ever heard put forward about anything. Congratulations.

Hahaha...ok, show me what ya got..

Wow..thanks for those really profound observations.:rolleyes:

Anyway, I know the bear documentary you speak of and if you'll remember that guy had some deep psychological problems and deluded himself into thinking that bears had accepted him into their society. Fortunately most people know better than to try to live with bears. They know that many animals like bears and tigers will never become fully domesticated. Isn't that like common knowledge? Just don't meddle in the affairs of bears and tigers and you don't have anything to worry about . So i know exactly where i stand with them.

Whatever the case, humans are still shit compared to tigers and bears. So there. ;)

Your big come back is to call the argument stupid. Come on. If you can't at least use some reasoning then don't post. Am I typing to fast? I'll type this next part slower for you.

At least you had something to say about the bear documentary but you just add to my point. The bear guy was a nut bar for believing in the bear society. You believe that animals are superior? What does that make you?
And what would that do? Nazi Germany wasn't a threat to the United States or Great Britain. They weren't even able to take the English Channel, but yet they were a threat to America across the world? The entire world is practically defenseless against America, unless they all stood against us. Iraq was totally defenseless against America and so is Iran.

You do realize that Germany was sending ships out into the Atlantic and some made it to the coast of NY. Plus Germany was attacking our allies.

Iran and Iraq both threaten our allies and help our enemies. Heres an idea: Don't threaten our allies or help our enemies.
I’m a bit puzzled by some of your statements, especially when you say “Judging from your posts you have no other interests outside of race. And that's boring. No matter what i believe i'd never align myself with stupid crackers like yourself” is just silly by all means. My post? What on earth are you thinking? What else should I talk about on a forum and what would it matter? I’m sorry, but I have no interest in making friends on any forum or the Internet. So you would rather hang out with Tyra then I because of what you’ve read on the Internet? If so, that is “creepy” and it’s so stupid that I don’t even have to type anything further. Your words speak for themselves.

Well, first of all, i do have friends from all over the political spectrum. Make no mistake, we do argue, but then we'll move on to other topics, make jokes, and have fun. You see, none of my friends are fanatical extremists. Let's face it, the extreme fringes of any movement is the domain of rabid crackpots and other pathological assholes.

Take for example the following self-styled guardians of the "master race" from the American Aryan Nations. It's a tragedy for sensible patriots and nationalists--and the future of Western Civilization!--that any attempt at self-preservation is marred by the kind of knuckledraggers shown below. I'll have nothing to do with these complete and utter buffoons.



Your big come back is to call the argument stupid. Come on. If you can't at least use some reasoning then don't post. Am I typing to fast? I'll type this next part slower for you.

At least you had something to say about the bear documentary but you just add to my point. The bear guy was a nut bar for believing in the bear society. You believe that animals are superior? What does that make you?


I have brought what i feel are sensible arguments to the table, you just fail to either read, acknowledge, or comprehend them. It is moot to go on any farther.

If it makes you feel better to think you're part of God's gift to the world, then by all means... whatever fires your rockets..
With emphasis on "guy". That's 'cause y'all are. Nuts I mean. Men, that is.:heh: See how I changed the subject completely there? Who the hell needs a segue when you have men to argue about supremacy of the worlds?

Yes, yes I am. And women are too! Everyone is nuts, the trick is finding people who have the same brand of Crazy™.
Corrections in bold again.


Can you give me one real reason why Germany would not want to take over Great Britain, yet they did want to take over France and Russia? Communist slavery? I'm not a supporter of communism (because as a economic system it doesn't work), but since when did communism equal slavery? The Soviet Union was very oppressive at times (especially under Stalin), but how is that worse than the invasion of Poland by Germany, which led to the deaths of over 3 million jews and many others in Poland alone?

Yes I can give you a reason, considering the reality that the Marxist wanted to push their philosophy across the globe and the fact that they had control over Russia and reorganized their political system from a centuries old Czarist monarchy, to a brutal and oppressive Soviet regime hell bent on conquering Europe, including Germany, made Hitler realize this is the most dangerous foe to Germany and the entire West. People like Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess understood that Great Britain was Germanic but under the control of communist sympathizers, they also understood that it would take everything that had to knock out the Bolsheviks of the east, if they didn’t, they would take over Germany and all of Europe and the Nazi party would be killed. This of course happened, except the Soviet Union had help from the United States and Great Britain. The former two nations were walking a tight rope with the Soviets.

Since when did communism equal slavery? Perhaps when political prisoners were forced to do endless labor, until their deaths? The gulags maybe? But of course, the Soviet Union and their communist guidance did not allow their opposition to voice their opinions freely. The Nazis didn’t want war with Poland at first, they wanted to negotiate. They wanted Poland to join the anti-Comintern Pact which was signed on November 25 1936, which was against communism. Without Western interference, who were very sympathetic to communism, the Poles may have agreed. Poland, under the leadership of Józef Pilsudski had fought off the Soviet Union during the Polish-Soviet war of February 1919 to March 1921. This kind of nationalism was a serious threat to communist success.

War broke out between Poland and Nazi Germany because of Danzig, a city with a majority German population that was part of the German Empire established on January 18 1871. The Danzig question could’ve been settled between Poland and Germany, but there was interference by Great Britain and the United States, so the Poles didn’t negotiate. Then the Nazis allied with the Soviet Union and they both invaded Poland in September of 1939. The allies, who promised military aid if Poland was invaded, did not prevent the take over of Poland. As mentioned before, the Soviet Union was a threat to the world, it would of made sense if both Poland, Nazi Germany, and the Western allies all removed the Bolsheviks from power. That didn’t happen, the allies joined the Soviet Union, and betrayed Poland at the Yalta conference.

Why would Britain give peace to a fascist dictator intent on conquering Europe and maybe the world? After Germany took over Russia, they would just break the peace treaty anyway.

Maybe because the Soviet Union were actually able to wipe out the entire West, and the Nazis were the only military and political power that could stop such an invasion? Or perhaps not bankrupt Great Britain trying to destroy the Nazis? What about preserving their empire, that they lost fighting the Nazis? If Great Britain wasn’t guided by Winston Churchill’s insane policies, then Hitler would’ve never invaded Great Britain. Then all of his resources could be sent to the east, rather then consume them in the West. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis wanted to knock out the Soviet Union and that would’ve been a good thing for Poles, Ukrainians, Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Lithuanians, Brits, and even the American’s. That goes for the rest of the world. The propagandist can moan and groan about Hitler’s “secret map” all they want, meanwhile the Soviet Union has control over all of eastern Europe with the West on their agenda, with no “secrets” at all.

No, I meant that by helping the Soviet Union, thus screwing the Germans over in the East, the US was helping defend France and Britain.

Great, but what about the communist, who took over many European nations, all the way to East Germany? Would America help them out? If anything, the Nazis prevented a total communist take over of the Western world, NOBODY else in the West would stand up against the red army, instead they would assist their carnage and take over of eastern Europe. I suppose the Western allies had more important things to do such as harass the Nazis and call them fascist who want to take over the world, meanwhile America was much larger then all of Nazi Germany and Great Britain had an empire that stretched across the world. The US and Great Britain still control the world today, but it is always easy to point the finger isn’t it?

Yes, but despite brutal takeovers of indigenous cultures, the British never attempted to cleanse the earth of people based on their race or religion. I certainly do not agree with the terrible things that the British did to conquer South Africa and India, but you cannot say that what they did was worse, because it wasn't.

The Nazis did not want to wipe out all other races and religions, that is part of the propaganda so Americans would point their guns at the Germans. In fact, the non-European or “non-white” world is actually more sympathetic to Nazi Germany then other white “Aryans” or Nordic Westerners in America, Great Britain, etc. Because Westerners are ignorant, whereas many people in the non-white world aren’t. They may be “third world” because they can’t adopt Western standards, but they are far more knowledgeable then white people are about politics and history. Hitler is very popular in India, for example and a new biography of Ghandi claims he praised Adolf Hitler. There is also a story about how many Indians see Hitler has “trendy”.

The Russians were seen as the weaker of the 2 fascist governments, and they were also not as keen on trying to take over all of Europe unlike Germany.

That is where you are wrong again, they were keen on taking Europe over and they succeeded with parts of Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, East Germany, etc. Not to mention, Soviet determination to conquer all of Europe was a motivation for Hitler to strike the Soviet Union first…this was known as “Operation Barbarossa” which started on June 22 1941.

How and when? By the time the US ended their isolationist policies, Russia was already fighting on its side. At that point, what are you going to do? Betray the forces that helped you win the war against the Nazis? Not only would this be incredibly costly, and terrible for morale, and would take a very long time, but this could undermine the anti-Japanese war effort, unless it was started 2 months later, at which point the USSR might have already put up defenses on the Soviet-Allies border.

So by that time, the Soviet Union was to powerful to be defeated? They were on the side of the Western allies, but that wouldn’t last forever…ever here about the cold war? All this talk about “betraying the forces that helped defeat the Nazis” a nation that didn’t even want war against America in the first place. Undermine the anti-Japanese war effort? The United States already dropped a bomb on Hiroshima, destroying that city, something that wasn’t even necessary. Then the Soviet Union joined America against the Japanese, wow, like we really need their help. America could of defeated the Soviet Union with our nuclear weapons, but instead we will wait until they have enormous numbers of nuclear bombs during the cold war.

Definitely. But what does that mean? Everyone knows that Iran is trying to get Nuclear weaponry, and the president has already mentioned that he would like to "wipe Israel off the map." But does this mean that the US would invade it? Maybe if this were happening several years ago. But not now. The Bush administration would not be so stupid as to ruin the GOP's chances at the presidency for a decade, what with the current lack of support for America's 2 current wars.

Everyone knows except our intelligence community who suggest Iran halted it’s program in 2003. This business about George Bush not wanting to go to war because he doesn’t want to ruin the Republican parties chance for election sounds good, but he will certainly push forward regardless.
England is germanic. I believe Hitler said in Mein Kampf that he wanted to ally with England for that sole reason (and because they're powerfull). But where I don't agree with Patrick is that once the war started, England and France allied, did declare war on Germany hence Germany fought the english in France and Norway and since then Nazi Germany has always been a threat to Great Britain and the allies.
The Rudolf Hess episode was considered treason for Hitler.. at least if my memory serves me correctly, Hess was acting independantly from the nazi power when he tried to get peace with Great Britain.

After the allies attacked Germany, then they were a threat because they would indeed fight back. But before that, Hitler wanted peace. Rudolf Hess, and his physical appearance in Great Britain after the war shows he was sincere, this was a diplomatic effort not equaled since, or nothing that I know of. After the first world war, it made since for Poland, France, and Great Britain to fear the German Empire and try to put them down so they wouldn't threaten them again. But, this thinking was outdated, especially with the emergence of the Bolsheviks. An anti-communist transition in government policy would of been the best solution for the Western allies, unfortunately such a transition never took place.
Well, first of all, i do have friends from all over the political spectrum. Make no mistake, we do argue, but then we'll move on to other topics, make jokes, and have fun. You see, none of my friends are fanatical extremists. Let's face it, the extreme fringes of any movement is the domain of rabid crackpots and other pathological assholes.

Take for example the following self-styled guardians of the "master race" from the American Aryan Nations. It's a tragedy for sensible patriots and nationalists--and the future of Western Civilization!--that any attempt at self-preservation is marred by the kind of knuckledraggers shown below. I'll have nothing to do with these complete and utter buffoons.




Well, I couldn't agree more on this one.

I have brought what i feel are sensible arguments to the table, you just fail to either read, acknowledge, or comprehend them. It is moot to go on any farther.

If it makes you feel better to think you're part of God's gift to the world, then by all means... whatever fires your rockets..

Again no substance? Read what? All you did was insult with no reason. Are you sure you are up for this? I feel as though I am bringing a gun to a knife fight. I would shoot back but I am afraid of hurting the other fish swimming in your barrel.
Again no substance? Read what? All you did was insult with no reason. Are you sure you are up for this? I feel as though I am bringing a gun to a knife fight. I would shoot back but I am afraid of hurting the other fish swimming in your barrel.

Yeah too bad for you you're about as skilled with a gun as Dick Cheney and i'm like fucking Crocodile Dundee with a knife! :p

But seriously, how many times do i need to lay it down for you? I pretty much summed up my views on the matter here. For God's sake i even explored it from a legal/civil point of view! In the end it's just what i feel in my heart and my "state of mind," as someone once said. And the same goes for you. We obviously have a difference of worldviews.

This is how i see it in a nutshell:

... I do believe that humanity would be slightly less pathetic if we started treating animals with the respect they deserve as sentient beings, eliminate the ghastly and disgusting factory farms, and bring or own species into balance with nature and a sustainable future.

That would make for the kind of society that people like Phelice [if i may speak on her behalf ;)] and myself would like to hang out and drink beer in, anyway. :)

But i don't expect you to understand what i'm talking about. After all, you're a self-proclaimed "libertarian." You're people want to privatize everything imaginable on this planet, subsume our everyday lives under market forces and exchange-value, and see "selfishness" as a virtue. So while I look to the innocence and beauty of animals and nature for satisfaction; you look to Mammon. I see pristine primeval forests as something to be protected; you see them as opportunties for logging or real estate development..

Shit.. actually if you're like most libertarians, then i wouldn't put it past you to skull-fuck a Golden Retriever and leave it for dead if you could make a buck from it..

So I don't think there's any point in us discussing this any further. Our worldviews are too different.
Yeah too bad for you you're about as skilled with a gun as Dick Cheney and i'm like fucking Crocodile Dundee with a knife! :p

But seriously, how many times do i need to lay it down for you? I pretty much summed up my views on the matter here. For God's sake i even explored it from a legal/civil point of view! In the end it's just what i feel in my heart and my "state of mind," as someone once said. And the same goes for you. We obviously have a difference of worldviews.

This is how i see it in a nutshell:

But i don't expect you to understand what i'm talking about. After all, you're a self-proclaimed "libertarian." You're people want to privatize everything imaginable on this planet, subsume our everyday lives under market forces and exchange-value, and see "selfishness" as a virtue. So while I look to the innocence and beauty of animals and nature for satisfaction; you look to Mammon. I see pristine primeval forests as something to be protected; you see them as opportunties for logging or real estate development..

Shit.. actually if you're like most libertarians, then i wouldn't put it past you to skull-fuck a Golden Retriever and leave it for dead if you could make a buck from it..

So I don't think there's any point in us discussing this any further. Our worldviews are too different.

You insult and then want to end the conversation. You must be a chick. But I digest..hehe. I'm not sure where you are getting your libertarian ideas. I suppose my libertarian views are limited to politics. I simply don't want to pay for others people's or companies' (I'm just as much against corporate welfare as I am against personal welfare) problems.

Why in the world do you think I would want to hurt animals. I just don't think a beetle is a sentient being. I would probably deny them voting rights.

I won't deny it. I hunt. I kill deer, rabbit, elk, geese and duck. I don't try to romantize it. I pull a bow string back, point at an animal and kill them. What do you think all these neolithic pagans did for meat that most people on this forum worship. If you want proof just look at Hagar the Horrible comic stips. He is always eating those big turkey legs.

If you want to buy the world a coke and sing in perfect harmony, then more power to ya. I love how the hippies use the internet to bitch but pay no mind to the pollution and natural resources that are used up for them to be able to connect. Do you know how many ground hogs get displaced every day because of the installation of underground lines. OH THE HUMANITY. Wait, they aren't human are they. You accuse me of terrrible acts against animals just because I don't believe in there rights as sentient beings, yet you sit at your computer everyday using technology that hurts the very animals you say you care about.

Now I have brought you a real argument. If you want to just end here, that is fine. But don't post a lame insult and expect me to just let it go.

Yes I can give you a reason, considering the reality that the Marxist wanted to push their philosophy across the globe and the fact that they had control over Russia and reorganized their political system from a centuries old Czarist monarchy, to a brutal and oppressive Soviet regime hell bent on conquering Europe, including Germany, made Hitler realize this is the most dangerous foe to Germany and the entire West. People like Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess understood that Great Britain was Germanic but under the control of communist sympathizers, they also understood that it would take everything that had to knock out the Bolsheviks of the east, if they didn’t, they would take over Germany and all of Europe and the Nazi party would be killed. This of course happened, except the Soviet Union had help from the United States and Great Britain. The former two nations were walking a tight rope with the Soviets.

Since when did communism equal slavery? Perhaps when political prisoners were forced to do endless labor, until their deaths? The gulags maybe? But of course, the Soviet Union and their communist guidance did not allow their opposition to voice their opinions freely. The Nazis didn’t want war with Poland at first, they wanted to negotiate. They wanted Poland to join the anti-Comintern Pact which was signed on November 25 1936, which was against communism. Without Western interference, who were very sympathetic to communism, the Poles may have agreed. Poland, under the leadership of Józef Pilsudski had fought off the Soviet Union during the Polish-Soviet war of February 1919 to March 1921. This kind of nationalism was a serious threat to communist success.

War broke out between Poland and Nazi Germany because of Danzig, a city with a majority German population that was part of the German Empire established on January 18 1871. The Danzig question could’ve been settled between Poland and Germany, but there was interference by Great Britain and the United States, so the Poles didn’t negotiate. Then the Nazis allied with the Soviet Union and they both invaded Poland in September of 1939. The allies, who promised military aid if Poland was invaded, did not prevent the take over of Poland. As mentioned before, the Soviet Union was a threat to the world, it would of made sense if both Poland, Nazi Germany, and the Western allies all removed the Bolsheviks from power. That didn’t happen, the allies joined the Soviet Union, and betrayed Poland at the Yalta conference.

Maybe because the Soviet Union were actually able to wipe out the entire West, and the Nazis were the only military and political power that could stop such an invasion? Or perhaps not bankrupt Great Britain trying to destroy the Nazis? What about preserving their empire, that they lost fighting the Nazis? If Great Britain wasn’t guided by Winston Churchill’s insane policies, then Hitler would’ve never invaded Great Britain. Then all of his resources could be sent to the east, rather then consume them in the West. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis wanted to knock out the Soviet Union and that would’ve been a good thing for Poles, Ukrainians, Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Lithuanians, Brits, and even the American’s. That goes for the rest of the world. The propagandist can moan and groan about Hitler’s “secret map” all they want, meanwhile the Soviet Union has control over all of eastern Europe with the West on their agenda, with no “secrets” at all.

Great, but what about the communist, who took over many European nations, all the way to East Germany? Would America help them out? If anything, the Nazis prevented a total communist take over of the Western world, NOBODY else in the West would stand up against the red army, instead they would assist their carnage and take over of eastern Europe. I suppose the Western allies had more important things to do such as harass the Nazis and call them fascist who want to take over the world, meanwhile America was much larger then all of Nazi Germany and Great Britain had an empire that stretched across the world. The US and Great Britain still control the world today, but it is always easy to point the finger isn’t it?

The Nazis did not want to wipe out all other races and religions, that is part of the propaganda so Americans would point their guns at the Germans. In fact, the non-European or “non-white” world is actually more sympathetic to Nazi Germany then other white “Aryans” or Nordic Westerners in America, Great Britain, etc. Because Westerners are ignorant, whereas many people in the non-white world aren’t. They may be “third world” because they can’t adopt Western standards, but they are far more knowledgeable then white people are about politics and history. Hitler is very popular in India, for example and a new biography of Ghandi claims he praised Adolf Hitler. There is also a story about how many Indians see Hitler has “trendy”.

That is where you are wrong again, they were keen on taking Europe over and they succeeded with parts of Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, East Germany, etc. Not to mention, Soviet determination to conquer all of Europe was a motivation for Hitler to strike the Soviet Union first…this was known as “Operation Barbarossa” which started on June 22 1941.

So by that time, the Soviet Union was to powerful to be defeated? They were on the side of the Western allies, but that wouldn’t last forever…ever here about the cold war? All this talk about “betraying the forces that helped defeat the Nazis” a nation that didn’t even want war against America in the first place. Undermine the anti-Japanese war effort? The United States already dropped a bomb on Hiroshima, destroying that city, something that wasn’t even necessary. Then the Soviet Union joined America against the Japanese, wow, like we really need their help. America could of defeated the Soviet Union with our nuclear weapons, but instead we will wait until they have enormous numbers of nuclear bombs during the cold war.

Everyone knows except our intelligence community who suggest Iran halted it’s program in 2003. This business about George Bush not wanting to go to war because he doesn’t want to ruin the Republican parties chance for election sounds good, but he will certainly push forward regardless.

Ok, you officially win the debate. I can't argue against someone who can make up ridiculous statements on a whim to help his side. I also don't feel like reading 10 large paragraphs of bullshit (no offense to you, just your arguements).
You insult and then want to end the conversation. You must be a chick. But I digest..hehe. I'm not sure where you are getting your libertarian ideas. I suppose my libertarian views are limited to politics. I simply don't want to pay for others people's or companies' (I'm just as much against corporate welfare as I am against personal welfare) problems.

If you follow the basic party line of Libertarians then you're against government regulations to protect the environment and wildlife because such regulations impede on the cherished ideal of an unrestrained market place, where the pursuit of profit is placed above all else - including the health of our planet.

So if you're coming from that point of view then your lack of concern for the welfare of animals doesn't surprise me. Generally speaking, most libertarians only care about animals insofar as how much they can profit from them.

Why in the world do you think I would want to hurt animals.

I never said you wanted to hurt animals just for the sake of hurting them. However you don't seem to mind things like the utterly disgusting and atrocious practices of factory farming in the coldhearted quest of making a few extra bucks.

I mean it really wouldn't surprise me if a factory-farm owner would rape a Golden Retriever for a few extra buckeroo$$$.

If you woudn't rape a Golden Retriever for money then i applaud you. :)

I just don't think a beetle is a sentient being. I would probably deny them voting rights.

Actually, Beetles are sentient, technically speaking, in that they are responsive to sensory impressions. But all you're really trying to do here is distort my position and torch a straw man.

I won't deny it. I hunt. I kill deer, rabbit, elk, geese and duck. I don't try to romantize it. I pull a bow string back, point at an animal and kill them. What do you think all these neolithic pagans did for meat that most people on this forum worship. If you want proof just look at Hagar the Horrible comic stips. He is always eating those big turkey legs.

So. What's your point? I eat meat myself, but i try to eat only organic free-range meat both to minimize cruelty and out of health concerns.

If you want to hunt non-endangered animals for food, that's one thing. It's sure as hell is better than supporting factory farms. But if some needle-dicked muppet just wants to kill animals for fun so he can feel like more of a man, or maybe to acquire a sense of power he couldn’t acheive in organized sports or on a playground, then he can go to hell.

If you want to buy the world a coke and sing in perfect harmony, then more power to ya. I love how the hippies use the internet to bitch but pay no mind to the pollution and natural resources that are used up for them to be able to connect. Do you know how many ground hogs get displaced every day because of the installation of underground lines. OH THE HUMANITY. Wait, they aren't human are they. You accuse me of terrrible acts against animals just because I don't believe in there rights as sentient beings, yet you sit at your computer everyday using technology that hurts the very animals you say you care about.

Listen, i just think people should be a bit more environmentally aware and try to minimize cruelty to animals. I have made some small steps in the right direction i think in terms of my consumption, but I am definitely far from perfect. Our current lifestyles are unsustainable, and i think people should realize this.

If you want to try to reduce me to some dumbfuck hippie (which i most certainly am not) for my opinions, then don't complain when i label you a capitalist pig. :p
I mean it really wouldn't surprise me if a factory-farm owner would rape a Golden Retriever for a few extra buckeroo$$$.

If you woudn't rape a Golden Retriever for money then i applaud you. :)

If you want to hunt non-endangered animals for food, that's one thing. It's sure as hell is better than supporting factory farms. But if some needle-dicked muppet just wants to kill animals for fun so he can feel like more of a man, or maybe to acquire a sense of power he couldn’t acheive in organized sports or on a playground, then he can go to hell.


Story: years ago camping in montana once, a bear was frequenting our site and once came to us in broad daylight to steal our food and my father shot the bear. We had plenty of food, he could have had it for all I care. I was upset (I'm much like Phelice and Beave: I heart animals--work in a vet clinic as a vet technician myself), but to make me feel better, my father made jerky from the bear meat. nastiest thing I have ever tasted, but at least we used what we had rather than leaving it to waste. And to date, this bear skin still graces the floor of my parent's basement.

p.s.--I feel guilty for contributing to something sooooooo off topic. I dont normally do that. :lol:

:notworthy Story: years ago camping in montana once, a bear was frequenting our site and once came to us in broad daylight to steal our food and my father shot the bear. We had plenty of food, he could have had it for all I care. I was upset (I'm much like Phelice and Beave: I heart animals--work in a vet clinic as a vet technician myself), but to make me feel better, my father made jerky from the bear meat. nastiest thing I have ever tasted, but at least we used what we had rather than leaving it to waste. And to date, this bear skin still graces the floor of my parent's basement.

p.s.--I feel guilty for contributing to something sooooooo off topic. I dont normally do that. :lol:

I never shot a bear. I have eaten bear but it was very oily. I like deer and elk the best.

I was once on a hunting trip in Montana. We were suppose to hunt elk but no one was finding any. So some of the hunters took to killing wolves. The local ranchers were offering a $39 bounty on them. You had to kill it and cut off the ears and take out the front teeth to show that you killed it and give them to the ranchers. It was the sickest thing I have ever seen. I mean if I was starving I would kill a wolf and eat it but it would have to come to real 4 or 5 days without food. I could not believe these guys were killing these really beautiful wolves for money. This was back in the late 80s so there is probably a law against it today. My dad and I just packed up and left.

Have any of you ever been hunting in Germany? It was a really wierd hunt. I was living in this small town outside of Frankfurt called Waldorf. Anyway a local bar had a flyer to go hunting. I called the number and this guy takes us all the way out to the Tauber river (I may have spelled that wrong). Well we walk for like 2 miles and we come up on this pasture where these rams are all grazing. The guide tells us to shoot at will. I'm like "hey isn't this some guys farm we are poaching on?" But he swears it is ok. So I shoot one. Not only does it just drop dead in its spot but the rest of them don't even move. They keep on eating like it never happened. So the rest of the group shoot one and the guide takes a truck up to them and gathers up the game. He takes it to a butcher for us even. Apparently it is normal for ranchers to raise animals over there and charge people to come in and hunt them and butchers them for you as well.
If you follow the basic party line of Libertarians then you're against government regulations to protect the environment and wildlife because such regulations impede on the cherished ideal of an unrestrained market place, where the pursuit of profit is placed above all else - including the health of our planet.

So if you're coming from that point of view then your lack of concern for the welfare of animals doesn't surprise me. Generally speaking, most libertarians only care about animals insofar as how much they can profit from them.

I never said you wanted to hurt animals just for the sake of hurting them. However you don't seem to mind things like the utterly disgusting and atrocious practices of factory farming in the coldhearted quest of making a few extra bucks.

I mean it really wouldn't surprise me if a factory-farm owner would rape a Golden Retriever for a few extra buckeroo$$$.

If you woudn't rape a Golden Retriever for money then i applaud you. :)

Actually, Beetles are sentient, technically speaking, in that they are responsive to sensory impressions. But all you're really trying to do here is distort my position and torch a straw man.

So. What's your point? I eat meat myself, but i try to eat only organic free-range meat both to minimize cruelty and out of health concerns.

If you want to hunt non-endangered animals for food, that's one thing. It's sure as hell is better than supporting factory farms. But if some needle-dicked muppet just wants to kill animals for fun so he can feel like more of a man, or maybe to acquire a sense of power he couldn’t acheive in organized sports or on a playground, then he can go to hell.

Listen, i just think people should be a bit more environmentally aware and try to minimize cruelty to animals. I have made some small steps in the right direction i think in terms of my consumption, but I am definitely far from perfect. Our current lifestyles are unsustainable, and i think people should realize this.

If you want to try to reduce me to some dumbfuck hippie (which i most certainly am not) for my opinions, then don't complain when i label you a capitalist pig. :p

That you even think of raping a golden retriever makes me think you have issues. You may love animals to much.

You seem to be obsessed with a hunter's wang. Did a hunter do bad things to you? And as far as muppet remark, I don't even want to know what Fuzzy the Bear trama you may have suffered.

Believe it or not most hunters hunt for food. I happen to even participate in a hunt for charity that donates the meat to feed the homeless.

Also hunters care more about our enviroment then the average hippie blogging in between bong hits.

Your definition of sentient needs some work as well. If sensory response is all it takes then bacteria are sentient in your book.

You seem sincere in your remarks but you are very insulting which leads others to insult back.

BTW I don't mind you calling me a capitalist pig. But your dog raping and hunter wang obsession should be things you keep to yourself.

If you are typing all these insults because that is your conversation style then I apologize for striking back. I'm just not used to being accused of such morbid acts.
That you even think of raping a golden retriever makes me think you have issues. You may love animals to much.

You seem to be obsessed with a hunter's wang. Did a hunter do bad things to you? And as far as muppet remark, I don't even want to know what Fuzzy the Bear trama you may have suffered.

Believe it or not most hunters hunt for food. I happen to even participate in a hunt for charity that donates the meat to feed the homeless.

Also hunters care more about our enviroment then the average hippie blogging in between bong hits.

Your definition of sentient needs some work as well. If sensory response is all it takes then bacteria are sentient in your book.

You seem sincere in your remarks but you are very insulting which leads others to insult back.

BTW I don't mind you calling me a capitalist pig. But your dog raping and hunter wang obsession should be things you keep to yourself.

If you are typing all these insults because that is your conversation style then I apologize for striking back. I'm just not used to being accused of such morbid acts.

Sentient: Able to perceive or feel things. So I don't think that Bacteria are sentient, as they probably are not able to feel things, and they probably cannot perceive things either, as they have no brains.
That you even think of raping a golden retriever makes me think you have issues. You may love animals to much.

You have the gall to say I have issues?

Let's see, you're the one who can't seem to get over the fact that i think differently about animals than you and have been needling me over it for a week now. I've told you it's futile to keep debating this yet you persist and it keeps going fucking no where. It's like you're obsessed with me. One symptom of psychosis is to keep doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results, so maybe you should get your fucking head examined my friend.

And you've been disrespectful of my opinions and snidely insulting me from the get go, so don't even act like it's only me insulting you.

You seem to be obsessed with a hunter's wang.

You fucking wish faggot.

Did a hunter do bad things to you?

Not until you started stalking me on this forum you creep.

And as far as muppet remark, I don't even want to know what Fuzzy the Bear trama you may have suffered.

Actually i heard some Brits use the term as a pejorative and i thought it sounded funny. I believe it's synonymous to something like "pathetic douchebag." In which case it's certainly an apt term for people who kill animals just to show off or to feel better about themselves.

Believe it or not most hunters hunt for food.

No doubt many hunters do hunt for food, and because i do eat meat i can't knock them for it. All told it doesn't inflict near the amount of suffering as factory farms. But there are also many who hunt just out of sadistic pleasure or cuz they think it makes them seem tough and they want to try to hide the fact the that fact that they're complete pussies. I know many people like this. Take our fucking war-loving but draft-dodging coward of a Vice President for example. Motherfucker supported the Vietnam War but got 5 deferments from service cuz he said he had "other priorities." It's so sickening to see this swaggering pussy grandstand with his gun as he shoots pheasants out of a cage. And he can't even shoot for shit.

Behold the mighty hunter...


I happen to even participate in a hunt for charity that donates the meat to feed the homeless.

Why bother telling me that? Do you think i give a fuck?

Also hunters care more about our enviroment then the average hippie blogging in between bong hits.

I think you'd be very surprised to see who you're talking to. No one who has seen me would mistake me as some weak pacifist.

Your definition of sentient needs some work as well. If sensory response is all it takes then bacteria are sentient in your book.

See Vegetarian's post.

You seem sincere in your remarks but you are very insulting which leads others to insult back.

Blahblahah blah, blah blah...

BTW I don't mind you calling me a capitalist pig. But your dog raping and hunter wang obsession should be things you keep to yourself.

I seem to have touched a nerve there. Having troubles satisfying Mrs. HaloSlayer? Trying to shoot pool with rope? Perhaps you've had to resort to dangling steaks in front of her to distract from your dysfunctional, ahem, tube steak? :p

Whatever. Tell you what: I won't mention your impotence anymore if you just shut your fucking meat-hole and leave me alone. Deal?

If you are typing all these insults because that is your conversation style then I apologize for striking back. I'm just not used to being accused of such morbid acts.

The truth hurts i guess.

I was once on a hunting trip in Montana. We were suppose to hunt elk but no one was finding any. So some of the hunters took to killing wolves. The local ranchers were offering a $39 bounty on them. You had to kill it and cut off the ears and take out the front teeth to show that you killed it and give them to the ranchers. It was the sickest thing I have ever seen. I mean if I was starving I would kill a wolf and eat it but it would have to come to real 4 or 5 days without food. I could not believe these guys were killing these really beautiful wolves for money. This was back in the late 80s so there is probably a law against it today. My dad and I just packed up and left.

You've been mocking me for saying similar things, so I can see right through your feeble attempt to pretend like you actually have a heart. Fuck off.
You have the gall to say I have issues?

Let's see, you're the one who can't seem to get over the fact that i think differently about animals than you and have been needling me over it for a week now. I've told you it's futile to keep debating this yet you persist and it keeps going fucking no where. It's like you're obsessed with me. One symptom of psychosis is to keep doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results, so maybe you should get your fucking head examined my friend.

And you've been disrespectful of my opinions and snidely insulting me from the get go, so don't even act like it's only me insulting you.

You fucking wish faggot.

Not until you started stalking me on this forum you creep.

Actually i heard some Brits use the term as a pejorative and i thought it sounded funny. I believe it's synonymous to something like "pathetic douchebag." In which case it's certainly an apt term for people who kill animals just to show off or to feel better about themselves.

No doubt many hunters do hunt for food, and because i do eat meat i can't knock them for it. All told it doesn't inflict near the amount of suffering as factory farms. But there are also many who hunt just out of sadistic pleasure or cuz they think it makes them seem tough and they want to try to hide the fact the that fact that they're complete pussies. I know many people like this. Take our fucking war-loving but draft-dodging coward of a Vice President for example. Motherfucker supported the Vietnam War but got 5 deferments from service cuz he said he had "other priorities." It's so sickening to see this swaggering pussy grandstand with his gun as he shoots pheasants out of a cage. And he can't even shoot for shit.

Behold the mighty hunter...


Why bother telling me that? Do you think i give a fuck?

I think you'd be very surprised to see who you're talking to. No one who has seen me would mistake me as some weak pacifist.

See Vegetarian's post.

Blahblahah blah, blah blah...

I seem to have touched a nerve there. Having troubles satisfying Mrs. HaloSlayer? Trying to shoot pool with rope? Perhaps you've had to resort to dangling steaks in front of her to distract from your dysfunctional, ahem, tube steak? :p

Whatever. Tell you what: I won't mention your impotence anymore if you just shut your fucking meat-hole and leave me alone. Deal?

The truth hurts i guess.

You've been mocking me for saying similar things, so I can see right through your feeble attempt to pretend like you actually have a heart. Fuck off.

Great come back...hehe.

Me stalking you? Take a look in the mirror. You have problems with everyone not just me.

And again this wang obsession. You also seem to keep a lot of pictures of Dick Chaney. It must be the name you love so much.

The British term is moppets and it refers to children you moron. You really do have problems.

You seemed to know every term for the unendowed. Has someone been making fun of the little Beave? With a name like Beave one might wonder if you have an inny instead of an outty.

So you're not a pacifist. You're tough guy. I guess you are since you can cuss. What will you do next? Type in CAPS. OOOO.I'm scared.

So I have to leave you alone or you will type more of the things that people say about the little Beave. I guess I better leave you alone.

Do you understand how moronic you are? People have arguments on forums. That is normal. What isn't normal is becoming a sexual pervert because you lack the intelligence or wit to argue back.

As you will recall, I was having a polite conversation with someone else until you started in on me. Whether it is because you have some anti-social behavior syndrome or are just a pervert, I don't know. Perhaps you are infatuated with the person I was conversing with earlier and felt you had to butt in with your odd perverse comments to try and impress her.

Whatever the case maybe, you jumped in and started flaming. When I get flamed, I flame back. This delusion of me coming after you is just part of some fantasy you have built up.

Also posting you want to end an argument and then insulting people is just ..well I have to say again..moronic. I would call you a retard but it would be insulting to the retards.