
The British term is moppets and it refers to children you moron. You really do have problems.

Muppet (slang):In Great Britain and in Ireland the word muppet has come to be used as a mild term of abuse, meaning a stupid, incompetent, or moronic person, or the obvious interpretation of someone who is inanimated or somehow not there.


Story: years ago camping in montana once, a bear was frequenting our site and once came to us in broad daylight to steal our food and my father shot the bear. We had plenty of food, he could have had it for all I care. I was upset (I'm much like Phelice and Beave: I heart animals--work in a vet clinic as a vet technician myself), but to make me feel better, my father made jerky from the bear meat. nastiest thing I have ever tasted, but at least we used what we had rather than leaving it to waste. And to date, this bear skin still graces the floor of my parent's basement.

Well, like you i would have preferred to let the bear have the food. But from what i know if a bear decides to attack you're pretty much toast (best bet is to just lie down and play dead), so i'm sure that your when your dad pulled the trigger he was also thinking about protecting his family from harm.

I'd like to think that i wouldn't have shot the bear, but i've never been in that kind of situation, so who knows?

But at least you guys didn't let the bear go to waste. I have known hunters who have shot deers or what not and then were to lazy to dress out their kill and bring it home, leaving the carcass to rot in the forest, which is totally fucked. Not long ago i ran into a childhood friend who i hadn't seen forever and he started bragging about how he shot a mountain lion. He didn't shoot it cuz he was in danger or anything, his reason for shooting it was that "It's not very often you see a mountain lion, so when you do see one, you gotta shoot it."


Yeah..needless to say i won't be adding this guy to my Christmas list..
Muppet (slang):In Great Britain and in Ireland the word muppet has come to be used as a mild term of abuse, meaning a stupid, incompetent, or moronic person, or the obvious interpretation of someone who is inanimated or somehow not there.



I stand corrected. Although I find it very odd for a language to have two terms that sound almost identical and yet have almost opposite meanings. Moppet being an endearing term for a child and Muppet an insult. I suppose English is the hardest language to learn.
you' know what, after all your posts and arguements, I still have the biggest cock on the forums. So whatever!
You could always re-open that thread (the one where all the really mature dudes posted their dick size, I mean)...anything is better than this talking past each other. It's about as productive sticking your head in the toilet and calling your brother Earl, who lives on the other side of the plumbing. At least then you'll get an echo...

HaloSlayer, I did not know we had neolithic pagans on this list. Can you identify one or two, so I can find out which anthropologist or religious scholar finally hasfound a religion that has survived intact since several thousands of years even before the Viking Age, please?
You could always re-open that thread (the one where all the really mature dudes posted their dick size, I mean)...anything is better than this talking past each other. It's about as productive sticking your head in the toilet and calling your brother Earl, who lives on the other side of the plumbing. At least then you'll get an echo...

HaloSlayer, I did not know we had neolithic pagans on this list. Can you identify one or two, so I can find out which anthropologist or religious scholar finally hasfound a religion that has survived intact since several thousands of years even before the Viking Age, please?

yeah, sorry. Just got a little tired and irritated with several pages of 'my internet cock is bigger then your internet cock' that's been going on.
He didn't shoot it cuz he was in danger or anything, his reason for shooting it was that "It's not very often you see a mountain lion, so when you do see one, you gotta shoot it."

That reminds me of one of these early South Park episodes :p

Cool thread ^^
That reminds me of one of these early South Park episodes :p


I thought the exact same thing when he told me that! It reminded me of that one episode, i can't remember the exact plot, but hunting was involved and i think Jimbo and Ned were trying to explain how hunting was necessary to prevent deer from dying due to over-population, and summed it up by saying, "So you see, we must kill them so they don't die." Fucking classic South Park!

Man, this last season sure did suck tho. Looks like the show might be starting to go downhill...:(

Oh yeah, how 'bout the Irish telling the dictators in Brussels where to stick their fucking Lisbon Treaty? Looks to be a small victory for democracy and for all proud European nationalists who were denied a vote....:kickass:

Tiocfaidh ár lá! ERIN GO BRAGH!

I thought the exact same thing when he told me that! It reminded me of that one episode, i can't remember the exact plot, but hunting was involved and i think Jimbo and Ned were trying to explain how hunting was necessary to prevent deer from dying due to over-population, and summed it up by saying, "So you see, we must kill them so they don't die." Fucking classic South Park!

Man, this last season sure did suck tho. Looks like the show might be starting to go downhill...:(

Yeah the last season did disappoint me quite a lot. :(

Oh yeah, how 'bout the Irish telling the dictators in Brussels where to stick their fucking Lisbon Treaty? Looks to be a small victory for democracy and for all proud European nationalists who were denied a vote....:kickass:

Actually it won't be a victory to democracy cause these asshole eurocrats will find a way to install that treaty anyway. The simple fact that there was a new treaty which was just the simplefied version of the previous one rejected by the french and dutch referendums is failure of democracy.
Those eurocrats who seperate themselves from the will of the people every passing day absolutely want that new treaty to pass, and it eventually will. But one day these asshole politicians who think they're safe behind their status will get what they deserve and they'll only have themselves to blame.
You could always re-open that thread (the one where all the really mature dudes posted their dick size, I mean)...anything is better than this talking past each other. It's about as productive sticking your head in the toilet and calling your brother Earl, who lives on the other side of the plumbing. At least then you'll get an echo...

HaloSlayer, I did not know we had neolithic pagans on this list. Can you identify one or two, so I can find out which anthropologist or religious scholar finally hasfound a religion that has survived intact since several thousands of years even before the Viking Age, please?

I did not say they were on this list. I said a lot of people worship them which I meant at the time to mean they idolize them. I'm not up on what makes you a pagan and what doesn't but I am sure there are plenty of experts on the forums. Anyone want to help him out?