As I said, youre still stuck in history 101, you believe that Hitler wanted war with Great Britain (not true) and you think Hitler wanted all of Europe under his control (not true). When you say Germany invaded an ally of France and Great Britain Im going to assume youre referring to Poland. What an ally that is, when Germany AND the Soviet Union agreed to invade Poland and not each other (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) Great Britain and France did not prevent either nation from succeeding. If that isnt worse, the Poles were sold out to communist slavery and were made into a puppet state of Moscow after the second world war because of the Western allies.
Can you give me one real reason why Germany would not want to take over Great Britain, yet they did want to take over France and Russia? Communist slavery? I'm not a supporter of communism (because as a economic system it doesn't work), but since when did communism equal slavery? The Soviet Union was very oppressive at times (especially under Stalin), but how is that worse than the invasion of Poland by Germany, which led to the deaths of over 3 million jews and many others in Poland alone?
What makes you think Adolf Hitler wanted to attack Great Britain when he consolidated power? On January 30 1933 Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, Great Britain and France didnt declare war on Germany until September 1939. How long was Adolf Hitler going to wait before he invaded Great Britain? Do you even know at all? On May 10, 1941 Rudolf Hess, one of the most powerful men in Nazi German (flew to Great Britain) to offer peace. Instead, he was jailed a prisoner of war.
Why would Britain give peace to a fascist dictator intent on conquering Europe and maybe the world? After Germany took over Russia, they would just break the peace treaty anyway.
When you say Nazi Germany wanted all of Europe under control sounds remarkably similar to Franklin Roosevelt's Navy Day Address on the Attack on the Destroyer Kearney October 27, 1941 address where he says
For example, I have in my possession a secret map made in Germany by Hitler's government-by the planners of the new world order. It is a map of South America and a part of Central America, as Hitler proposes to reorganize it. A blatant lie, you can find this bizarre speech on the Internet.
Yes, Hitler most certainly declared war on America, as detailed in his December 11, 1941 Reichstag speech. The United States began supplying Germanys two enemies military resources, billions of dollars worth of resources by the way going back to March of 1941 (9 months) before this declaration of war against America with Japan. Not to mention the perpetual bombardment of German civilian targets by Great Britain by American supplies. That was America and Great Britains key strategy, murder as many civilians as possible because the Nazis were much to powerful on the ground, despite the loss of much of their soldiers fighting the Soviet beast.
The Soviet Union was defending France and Great Britain?
No, I meant that by helping the Soviet Union, thus screwing the Germans over in the East, the US was helping defend France and Britain. Actually, Stalin didnt trust the West anymore then he did the Nazis and he actually sided with the Nazis temporally, which was known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as mentioned above. The communist philosophy and the Soviet Union did not care for Great Britain, I mean come on, do you even understand the anti-imperialist nature of Marxism? Great Britain had the largest empire in the history of the entire world, against the will of many indigenous people around the word. America was even part of their vast empire, but yet, you have some nerve to talk about the Nazis wanting to take over all of Europe.
Yes, but despite brutal takeovers of indigenous cultures, the British never attempted to cleanse the earth of people based on their race or religion. I certainly do not agree with the terrible things that the British did to conquer South Africa and India, but you cannot say that what they did was worse, because it wasn't.
So America aided the Soviet Union because that latter was defending France and Great Britain, even though they were (not) fighting with Germany at that time, but rather bound by a treaty of neutrality with Nazi Germany (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact). Do you even know what you are talking about? You say not including Poland but what about Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia? The Soviet Union had the Baltic states occupied as a result of the provisions of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the Nazi invasion of Poland was included as well. The Nazis wanted Danzig, they did not want ALL of Poland. Also, what about the lend lease of March 1941, which gave vast amounts of military aid to the Soviet Union after they invaded Finland on November 30 1939?
The Russians were seen as the weaker of the 2 fascist governments, and they were also not as keen on trying to take over all of Europe unlike Germany.
It was clear to the world that Bolshevism was murderous and dangerous long before world war II even began, or even before the Nazis came to power. The origins lie with world war I, when Hohenzollern Germany allowed communist terrorist into Russia which led to the Russian revolution of 1917 and the overthrow of the Czarist powers of Russia and the establishment of the USSR. The federal government was well aware that the communist brutally murdered their political opposition, not to mention the collectivization of the USSR, and the massive deaths of Ukrainians by Stalins insane policies, this is known as Holodomor. So the barbaric nature of the Soviet Union was clear to the Western allies.
In any case, the Western allies couldve physically removed Stalin from power, they could of rolled to Moscow with the millions of troops and numerous sources of military supplies while simultaneously bombing civilian targets, in an identical strategy used against German civilians and the unfortunate victims of nuclear weapons against Japan (ask Curtis LeMay.)
How and when? By the time the US ended their isolationist policies, Russia was already fighting on its side. At that point, what are you going to do? Betray the forces that helped you win the war against the Nazis? Not only would this be incredibly costly, and terrible for morale, and would take a very long time, but this could undermine the anti-Japanese war effort, unless it was started 2 months later, at which point the USSR might have already put up defenses on the Soviet-Allies border.
Are you serious? You haven't heard about the "Iranian threat" on the news? You can't miss it, whether you are watching CNN, Fox News, MSNBC etc. Please tell me you know this.
Definitely. But what does that mean? Everyone knows that Iran is trying to get Nuclear weaponry, and the president has already mentioned that he would like to "wipe Israel off the map." But does this mean that the US would invade it? Maybe if this were happening several years ago. But not now. The Bush administration would not be so stupid as to ruin the GOP's chances at the presidency for a decade, what with the current lack of support for America's 2 current wars.