
Interesting tidbit regarding my earlier, geographic/geologic comment... The mountains of Scandanavia and the Appalachians were all originally one mountain range. Thus they look similar for a reason. :)
epic fail!, pakistan isnt in africa

btw back to the subject!

I know that Pakistan isn't in Africa. I put Pakistan there only giving an example of one of the countries that there are more inmigrants from. Maybe the correct order would have been: Pakistan, Morocco or any other African country? Thanks for the correction though.
Goddamn it's been a long day...i barely feel like breathing nevermind typing, but a few points must be addressed..

How many different animals get off on, say, mutilating, torturing and killing other animals just for sadistic fun?

How many different species of dude will resort to, say, sport hunting to try to detract from the fact that he's impotent and is unable to perform his *ahem* "husbandly duties" with his wife?

How many animals have ripped you off on a used car deal? Talked behind your back? Pretended to be your friend, gained your trust and then fucked you over?

How many animals have stockpiles of nuclear weapons? How many are destroying the planet for ALL terrestrial life out of arrogance and greed?

And how many alpha wolves fuck over their pack by selling out to another pack in a seedy back room deal?

As far as i know, such behaviors are only found in humans. As Iron Maiden pointed out in the song Paschendale - "Cruelty has a human heart."

So yeah..cruelty, premeditation, pettiness, vindictiveness, affectation, obscene greed, etc. There you have it folks, that's what makes us more shitty than animals, even by our own standards jurisprudence. ;)

With an animal you always know where you stand. They make it known how they actually feel, whether they don't like you, they're jealous, unhappy, etc. And as someone who deals who has to deal on a daily basis with office politics, gossiping, phonies, sadists, people who listen to Brittany Spears and think it's important to know about Paris Hilton's sex life, and so forth... I find the animal world far more noble (and sane!).

And I thought it was just a self-evident truth that “dogs are man’s friend”?? I mean their love and loyalty is UNCONDITIONAL. They’ll never betray you. They’ll die to defend you. Tell me..what’s more noble than that?!?

Sitting on a porch watching a sunset with a dog lovingly at your side…man, it just don’t get much more pure than that. :)

So I do believe that humanity would be slightly less pathetic if we started treating animals with the respect they deserve as sentient beings, eliminate the ghastly and disgusting factory farms, and bring or own species into balance with nature and a sustainable future.

That would make for the kind of society that people like Phelice [if i may speak on her behalf ;)] and myself would like to hang out and drink beer in, anyway. :)

haha oh philice lol:lol:

What's funny about that?

epic fail!, pakistan isnt in africa

btw back to the subject!

We digressed a bit, but oh well. Shit happens. But that's not why your so keen on sticking on topic. I mean's ok for you to open a thread to criticize the fact that we eat at tables with silverware in a somewhat organized fashion, as opposed to eating it off the ground with your hands while on all fours over whatever. Then you told us that our use of toilet paper was disgusting. Then you started on U.S. litigation practices...

And it's not ok for people to comment on the painful incompatibilities between Islam and Western societies? Or the detriments it's having on their ancestral homelands? It's ok for you to bash other peoples religions but they can't bash yours? :rolleyes:

Case in point.
Goddamn it's been a long day...i barely feel like breathing nevermind typing, but a few points must be addressed..

How many different animals get off on, say, mutilating, torturing and killing other animals just for sadistic fun?

How many different species of dude will resort to, say, sport hunting to try to detract from the fact that he's impotent and is unable to perform his *ahem* "husbandly duties" with his wife?

How many animals have ripped you off on a used car deal? Talked behind your back? Pretended to be your friend, gained your trust and then fucked you over?

How many animals have stockpiles of nuclear weapons? How many are destroying the planet for ALL terrestrial life out of arrogance and greed?

And how many alpha wolves fuck over their pack by selling out to another pack in a seedy back room deal?

As far as i know, such behaviors are only found in humans. As Iron Maiden pointed out in the song Paschendale - "Cruelty has a human heart."

So yeah..cruelty, premeditation, pettiness, vindictiveness, affectation, obscene greed, etc. There you have it folks, that's what makes us more shitty than animals, even by our own standards jurisprudence. ;)

With an animal you always know where you stand. They make it known how they actually feel, whether they don't like you, they're jealous, unhappy, etc. And as someone who deals who has to deal on a daily basis with office politics, gossiping, phonies, sadists, people who listen to Brittany Spears and think it's important to know about Paris Hilton's sex life, and so forth... I find the animal world far more noble (and sane!).

And I thought it was just a self-evident truth that “dogs are man’s friend”?? I mean their love and loyalty is UNCONDITIONAL. They’ll never betray you. They’ll die to defend you. Tell me..what’s more noble than that?!?

Sitting on a porch watching a sunset with a dog lovingly at your side…man, it just don’t get much more pure than that. :)

So I do believe that humanity would be slightly less pathetic if we started treating animals with the respect they deserve as sentient beings, eliminate the ghastly and disgusting factory farms, and bring or own species into balance with nature and a sustainable future.

That would make for the kind of society that people like Phelice [if i may speak on her behalf ;)] and myself would like to hang out and drink beer in, anyway. :)

What's funny about that?

We digressed a bit, but oh well. Shit happens. But that's not why your so keen on sticking on topic. I mean's ok for you to open a thread to criticize the fact that we eat at tables with silverware in a somewhat organized fashion, as opposed to eating it off the ground with your hands while on all fours over whatever. Then you told us that our use of toilet paper was disgusting. Then you started on U.S. litigation practices...

And it's not ok for people to comment on the painful incompatibilities between Islam and Western societies? Or the detriments it's having on their ancestral homelands? It's ok for you to bash other peoples religions but they can't bash yours? :rolleyes:

Case in point.

i laughed at philce cuz she reminded me of some ppl (and i mean when she talked about muslims)
and the other part what are u talkin about i didnt bash other religion
This may sound a bit arrogant: Why should we?? Those are their problems, not ours. In Germany, we have our problems to solve, and in Turkey, they have theirs. I never saw a foreigner come to Germany and say: "Hey, you are in need of more kindergartens? We spend you some!"

The whole mass media as TV or internet or whatever makes it possible to see what it is like in other countries. Or even if a guy somewhere out in the desert hears about "Hartz IV", he will go like "Hey, you get money for doing nothing? You don't have to go to work and get money anyway? So hey ho, let's go!!" - WTF??

Countries like Germany, or Spain, yes, we have our own problems, we can be worried about things like kindergartens, or the increasing of the price of water, or electricity, or petrol, but at least we have jobs, and we can eat everyday. I know that probably it doesn't sound very important for us Europeans because we're used to do it everyday: to work and to eat.
But the thing is that everyday there are millions of people that die because of the starvation. And I think this is not only their problem, I think this is a problem for the whole humanity (although I'm afraid we can't do much for them :erk:)
Goddamn it's been a long day...i barely feel like breathing nevermind typing, but a few points must be addressed..

How many different animals get off on, say, mutilating, torturing and killing other animals just for sadistic fun?

How many different species of dude will resort to, say, sport hunting to try to detract from the fact that he's impotent and is unable to perform his *ahem* "husbandly duties" with his wife?

How many animals have ripped you off on a used car deal? Talked behind your back? Pretended to be your friend, gained your trust and then fucked you over?

How many animals have stockpiles of nuclear weapons? How many are destroying the planet for ALL terrestrial life out of arrogance and greed?

And how many alpha wolves fuck over their pack by selling out to another pack in a seedy back room deal?

As far as i know, such behaviors are only found in humans. As Iron Maiden pointed out in the song Paschendale - "Cruelty has a human heart."

So yeah..cruelty, premeditation, pettiness, vindictiveness, affectation, obscene greed, etc. There you have it folks, that's what makes us more shitty than animals, even by our own standards jurisprudence. ;)

With an animal you always know where you stand. They make it known how they actually feel, whether they don't like you, they're jealous, unhappy, etc. And as someone who deals who has to deal on a daily basis with office politics, gossiping, phonies, sadists, people who listen to Brittany Spears and think it's important to know about Paris Hilton's sex life, and so forth... I find the animal world far more noble (and sane!).

And I thought it was just a self-evident truth that “dogs are man’s friend”?? I mean their love and loyalty is UNCONDITIONAL. They’ll never betray you. They’ll die to defend you. Tell me..what’s more noble than that?!?

Sitting on a porch watching a sunset with a dog lovingly at your side…man, it just don’t get much more pure than that. :)

So I do believe that humanity would be slightly less pathetic if we started treating animals with the respect they deserve as sentient beings, eliminate the ghastly and disgusting factory farms, and bring or own species into balance with nature and a sustainable future.

That would make for the kind of society that people like Phelice [if i may speak on her behalf ;)] and myself would like to hang out and drink beer in, anyway. :)

What's funny about that?

We digressed a bit, but oh well. Shit happens. But that's not why your so keen on sticking on topic. I mean's ok for you to open a thread to criticize the fact that we eat at tables with silverware in a somewhat organized fashion, as opposed to eating it off the ground with your hands while on all fours over whatever. Then you told us that our use of toilet paper was disgusting. Then you started on U.S. litigation practices...

And it's not ok for people to comment on the painful incompatibilities between Islam and Western societies? Or the detriments it's having on their ancestral homelands? It's ok for you to bash other peoples religions but they can't bash yours? :rolleyes:

Case in point.

Well if you really want to do this I can. Animals kill and eat their own young. With that alone I win. But lets delve deeper.

You don't always know where you stand with animals. How many times have you seen a report where an animal attacked for no reason. Remember that guy who did the documentary on the bears and he started living with them. The bears ate him.

As for greed and other feelings, how do you know what an animal is feeling. I can only guess from their actions. Like when males fight for the head spot, isn't that greed? Aren't the males fighting over who gets the most sex?

I think animals have all the same emotions as we do. If they had higher brain functions and thumbs, they could do just as much destruction.
In Germany, we have our problems to solve, and in Turkey, they have theirs. I never saw a foreigner come to Germany and say: "Hey, you are in need of more kindergartens? We spend you some!"


Really??! I guess you never heard of the Marshall plan then, huh? I believe it was Germany that recieved a whole shit load of money to build "kindergardens" etc, to rebuild their then war torn country.
Not that your point is off or anything, I don't believe in that kind of aid either, but to be fair, the reason that a German can sit here in the western world and have the luxury to think like you do (i.e. freely) has much to do with available natural resourses and such, but it also has to do with the Marshall plan. It would have taken you a lot longer to rebuild without it.
Well if you really want to do this I can. Animals kill and eat their own young. With that alone I win. But lets delve deeper.

You don't always know where you stand with animals. How many times have you seen a report where an animal attacked for no reason. Remember that guy who did the documentary on the bears and he started living with them. The bears ate him.

As for greed and other feelings, how do you know what an animal is feeling. I can only guess from their actions. Like when males fight for the head spot, isn't that greed? Aren't the males fighting over who gets the most sex?

I think animals have all the same emotions as we do. If they had higher brain functions and thumbs, they could do just as much destruction.

I just told you where i'm coming from and how i see things. Take it or leave it. It's obviously pointless to argue about it any further.

In Germany, we have our problems to solve, and in Turkey, they have theirs. I never saw a foreigner come to Germany and say: "Hey, you are in need of more kindergartens? We spend you some!"


Really??! I guess you never heard of the Marshall plan then, huh? I believe it was Germany that recieved a whole shit load of money to build "kindergardens" etc, to rebuild their then war torn country.
Not that your point is off or anything, I don't believe in that kind of aid either, but to be fair, the reason that a German can sit here in the western world and have the luxury to think like you do (i.e. freely) has much to do with available natural resourses and such, but it also has to do with the Marshall plan. It would have taken you a lot longer to rebuild without it.

I wouldn't say that's a valid comparison. The Allies had their own selfish motives for rebuilding Germany since they knew a robust German economy was an essential bullwark against further Soviet advance. The Germans obviously put the aid money to good use, and since then all of Europe has benefited economically from rebuilt Germany. They've given a lot in return.

Questioning the wisdom of pouring aid money into nations who continue to show no signs of progress or getting their shit together to sustain their own lives is a different matter, imo.
I don’t see much difference between “If we don’t help them, they’ll all turn communist, and then all Hell will break loose” and “If we don’t help them, they’ll all turn radical Moslems, and all Hell will break loose”. In the end, the outcome is the same, no? I myself think that there’s just as much hidden agenda behind this war (like “If we help them, our gas prices won’t be as high” or “If we help them, maybe Islam won’t take over the whole damn world tomorrow” or even “If we walk away now, we’ll look like even bigger assholes”) as there was behind the Marshall plan. Incidentally, at the point that the Marshall money was doled out, Germany had been stuck in a “national romantic” quagmire for about 60 years. They weren’t exactly willing to help themselves either before then, and they had a hell of a lot more in terms of resources and opportunity to rebuild than, say, your average Afghani, so that’s a moot point, too. But that’s beside the point. I agree that one should just teach a man to fish rather than handing out continuous freebees, and besides, you can’t hand out freebees and expect to be absolved of guilt for staring a war that went to Hell in a handbasket in the first place. Somehow I get the feeling that’s what many proponents of that method are advocating. Either way, my point was just that Phelice wrote “I never saw a foreigner come to Germany and say:’Hey, you are in need of more kindergartens? We spend you some!’ “, and I pointed out that in that exact case, Germany, that’s a falsehood, political intrigue or not.
It was only an example. And in fact, I never heard of any Marshall plan before this thread, that is true.
And yea, there's another example for human dingsbums: We help each other because of image reasons or selfish reasons or stuff.

Humans are shit. My oppinion.

Gonna answer to the rest of what I wanted to say another day, just came back from a 6 hours walk :ill: :hypno: :yell: :hotjump:
And in fact, I never heard of any Marshall plan before this thread, that is true.

Thats actually quite hardcore.. I can understand that WW2 and post WW2 era might not be the favorite time in history for a german person, but still... without wanting to sound condescending..
I only skimmed through these posts yesterday and i guess i hadn't detected t the patronizing tone in some of these posts...

I'm sure many cat lovers would disagree. There is a big difference between a cat toying with a mouse (which actually has the utilitarian function of helping cats hone their hunting skills) and some shithead who, say, lights a cat on fire in order to derive some sick pleasure from watching it suffer in immense pain.

Thats actually quite hardcore.. I can understand that WW2 and post WW2 era might not be the favorite time in history for a german person, but still... without wanting to sound condescending..

Why would you even say something like that unless you wanted to be a condescending prick?

Some people are interested in things other than WWII, y'know?

Well if you really want to do this I can. Animals kill and eat their own young. With that alone I win.

You actually think you win with that?? Well, that has to be the single most stupid argument i've ever heard put forward about anything. Congratulations.

But lets delve deeper....

Hahaha...ok, show me what ya got..

You don't always know where you stand with animals. How many times have you seen a report where an animal attacked for no reason. Remember that guy who did the documentary on the bears and he started living with them. The bears ate him.

As for greed and other feelings, how do you know what an animal is feeling. I can only guess from their actions. Like when males fight for the head spot, isn't that greed? Aren't the males fighting over who gets the most sex?

I think animals have all the same emotions as we do. If they had higher brain functions and thumbs, they could do just as much destruction.

Wow..thanks for those really profound observations.:rolleyes:

Anyway, I know the bear documentary you speak of and if you'll remember that guy had some deep psychological problems and deluded himself into thinking that bears had accepted him into their society. Fortunately most people know better than to try to live with bears. They know that many animals like bears and tigers will never become fully domesticated. Isn't that like common knowledge? Just don't meddle in the affairs of bears and tigers and you don't have anything to worry about . So i know exactly where i stand with them.

Whatever the case, humans are still shit compared to tigers and bears. So there. ;)
I'm sure many cat lovers would disagree. There is a big difference between a cat toying with a mouse (which actually has the utilitarian function of helping cats hone their hunting skills) and some shithead who, say, lights a cat on fire in order to derive some sick pleasure from watching it suffer in immense pain.

If you read a little further you'd see i also gave the example of dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.. which meant my whole post was mostly a joke to teasingly try to prove animals aren't all that better than humans.
I love cats, I got one myself, a beautiful female (the only one faithfull to me ;))

Why would you even say something like that unless you wanted to be a condescending prick?

Some people are interested in things other than WWII, y'know?

I hestitated before posting it because I did realise it was perhaps somewhat rude, but I didn't mean any disrespect and I actually don't want to make a big deal about it cause all in all I don't really care... I was just posting a thought about the importance the marschall plan should be for contemporary germans, just saying I was surprised.. nothing wrong with that.. I don't think she'll be shocked for life for something some guy on the internet told her.
But to not hurt your feelings I could be a hypocrite if you prefer.

PS: its funny how you critisize the "patronising tone" of posts when yours isn't any better. I'm not saying that to flame you or start a debate, i'm just suggesting that you reread your post with that in mind, and you'll see its quite humorous.
If you read a little further you'd see i also gave the example of dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.. which meant my whole post was mostly a joke to teasingly try to prove animals aren't all that better than humans.
I love cats, I got one myself, a beautiful female (the only one faithfull to me ;))

I hestitated before posting it because I did realise it was perhaps somewhat rude, but I didn't mean any disrespect and I actually don't want to make a big deal about it cause all in all I don't really care... I was just posting a thought about the importance the marschall plan should be for contemporary germans, just saying I was surprised.. nothing wrong with that.. I don't think she'll be shocked for life for something some guy on the internet told her.
But to not hurt your feelings I could be a hypocrite if you prefer.

PS: its funny how you critisize the "patronising tone" of posts when yours isn't any better. I'm not saying that to flame you or start a debate, i'm just suggesting that you reread your post with that in mind, and you'll see its quite humorous.

Fair enough. You gotta realize however that it's quite common for animal lovers like myself to be derided by people in the mainstream. It's fine if someone wants to politely disagree with me, but if i sense i am being belittled i'll throw the venom right back.

In this case though I've been a little short on sleep the last week so i admit i've been a bit grumpy at times. Actually, initially i thought the Jurassic Park comment was intended to be a slight towards me, so in my previous post i had included a couple of lines wherein i stated i was going to withdraw my support for the French nation and hop on the anti-French bandwagon. (yeah..sleep deprivation really fucks my head up :lol:) Later i re-read your post and realized you were only lightheartedly messing around, and subsequently edited my comment. So i apologize for the undue crustiness. I actually think we share a lot of the same political ideals, only i've pretty much lost faith that people in the Western world will ever pull their heads out of their asses. :(

As for the Marshall Plan...well, given all the guilt constantly heaped on Germans by the rest of the world (very hypocritically i might add!), i can see how peripheral details like the Marshall Plan could get overlooked.

Anyway, I've had some chats w/ Phelice and i can tell you she's a fuckin' awesome young lady with an extremely sharp intellect. She's just more interested in other things than history, and i'm quick to jump to her defense cuz us animal lovers stick together. :)