
I agree with the last two (enerdemon & gnoff). I never meet anyone who thought of the sami people as a plauge... but being from stockholm and often meeting people from other cities I know alot of the stockholm(08)-hatred.

I have a really hard time relating with swedishnorse with alot of what he says... if people from other countries only listen to him about his views about sweden I think they would get a really fucked up and wrong view about this lovely little country (not to say it doesn't have its problems as well).
Aren't the Samis related to Finns...and Hungarians for that matter? They all speak with a Finno-Ugric tongue, right?

Yet Samis are also related to Amerindians, according to SwedishNorse. This would make sense as i've heard that Samis take to alcohol much like Native Americans, who have a strong genetic predispostion to alcoholism. It's like heroin to them and has devasted many aboriginal communities.

Also, do many Swedes have Sami blood in them?

Just curious is all...and trying to kill some time at work.:)
I' very very far left. It could be because I live in the shithole of a country called the US, or it could be because I'm a bleeding heart Commie. I really don't know. I sincerely hope Scandinavia hasn't gone so far left that it backlashes with the younger generations.
Haha...also, why the negativity towards Stockholm residents?

Must be something like here in the states, where many Americans find, say, Californians to be flakey, shallow, and obsessively materialistic. Others, like New Yorkers, are said to be grumpy and cynical. Mind you these stereotypes are not without foundation.
I' very very far left. It could be because I live in the shithole of a country called the US, or it could be because I'm a bleeding heart Commie. I really don't know. I sincerely hope Scandinavia has gone so far left that it backlashes with the younger generations.

The worst thing which could happen to a European country is to go too far left. Far left parties are for giving the nationality to all immigrants.. which would mean millions, if not billions of people would come swarming in, the salaries in Europe would go down (they already are), and basically Europe would become a third world continent, with the few very rich, and the rest being poor as shit, with incredible criminality rates.
The worst though, is that Europe would lose its identity. Already now, with the muslim immigrants (for example) imposing their way of life and european leftist traitors and scum feeling too bad to refuse anything to these people, we are losing our identity (and freedom). Imagine when millions of africans, asians or whatnot pass the frontier legally... No more regional differences, no more ancestral european cultures... just a great big mix which wouldn't have any significance.
Here in France, people say immigration makes our culture richer.. no it doesn't. Its replacing it. African food in France stays african food. it doesn't become french food, no one calls it that way. Mass immigration like we have today is destroying nations and cultures in the most cowardly way.

Oh, and Rousseau was an asshole ;)
As for Stockholm hatred, i'm guessing its the usual thing... people tend to dislike residents of the capital. Same thing in France, parisians aren't the most liked.. but all in all its more teezing than hatred.
To me, we're all humans. I don't care who is has what color hair, eyes or skin. I don't care about their religion. I think all people should have the same freedoms and rights. I don't blame them for trying to make a better life for themselves.

The left doesn't make the rich richer and the poor poorer. That's a right wingers job.
The problem is people try to start their communist world state ideas on soft target western democratic countries. That won't lead to a better world.

Also if they are right then why do they need to ignore certain things or cook up a fuss and, for example not allow a show to be televised because it shows asian paedophile gangs that target white children. Fuck the dream world I'd like a bit of reality. If people react to it and vote out the liberals then that's democracy. Don't cry over it :lol:.
Haha...also, why the negativity towards Stockholm residents?

Must be something like here in the states, where many Americans find, say, Californians to be flakey, shallow, and obsessively materialistic. Others, like New Yorkers, are said to be grumpy and cynical. Mind you these stereotypes are not without foundation.

Yeah, I think in all countries happens the same. Here in Spain, people from Madrid criticize Catalonians because they say we are mean (:rolleyes:) and we Catalonians say that people from Madrid are show-off, and the most of Spanish say that people from Andalucia are lazy. The thing is that I don't think the feelings is of hate between us, I think it's a kind of "rivalry", for example with football and so on. Of course there are people here that hates others but fortunatelly they are not the majority.
To me, we're all humans. I don't care who is has what color hair, eyes or skin. I don't care about their religion. I think all people should have the same freedoms and rights. I don't blame them for trying to make a better life for themselves.

The left doesn't make the rich richer and the poor poorer. That's a right wingers job.

I absolutely second that :D!, but I think it's not very possitive to regularize "massively" documents of people from abroad in order to make them to be "legally" in a country. I think it should be done and that they have the right to look for a better way of life, but it has to be done very carefully.
Sort of thought the same, but didn't post myself.

I've lived in:
Umeå, Östersund, Örnsköldsvik, Sundsvall, Stockholm, Landskrona and Göteborg.
Not once in either of these cities have people said anything in regards to hate of the Sami people.

Though I have heard it from people living around Kiruna and such, guess they are way closer to the actual action.

I would not go so far as to call them the most hated group of Sweden though, not by a long shot.

I'd say people from Stockholm are probably more hated in Sweden than the Sami...

Where in Ö-vik did you live? :)
To me, we're all humans.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

I hope you do realise this isn't an argument and the whole situation is much more complex.

I don't care who is has what color hair, eyes or skin. I don't care about their religion. I think all people should have the same freedoms and rights. I don't blame them for trying to make a better life for themselves.

The left doesn't make the rich richer and the poor poorer. That's a right wingers job.

I never mentioned the color of the skin or anything cowgirl. But incidently, it is quite a shame. Multiracial societies lead to inter-racial breeding, and incedently.. pacive genocide. Thats what the white australians wanted to do with the aboriginals, and in that case all the leftists agree that it was a horrible thing to do. White people in general, today, are so ethnomasochist that they don't have the notion of the uniqueness of their ancestry, heritage and culture, and how fragile it is. So they sell it out, and meanwhile they praise non-whites' ancestry.

And indeed, far left doesn't intend to make poor people poorer, and richer people richer. But with the mass immigration they prone this is whats going to happen. So to stop that they'll do what they've always done throughout history (which would be logical) : kill the bosses and the rich and the land owners.. and that way, everyone can be happilly poor untill far left loses power again and Europe is again divided into two economically opposed parts.
To me, we're all humans. I don't care who is has what color hair, eyes or skin. I don't care about their religion. I think all people should have the same freedoms and rights. I don't blame them for trying to make a better life for themselves.

The left doesn't make the rich richer and the poor poorer. That's a right wingers job.

Would you mind people of European descent creating a nation for their own interest or at least restrict non-white immigration into our ancient homelands? Immigration into the West has little to do with non-Europeans wanting a better way of life. This is an attempt to change the racial demographics of the West. Then what? Do we really need another Latin America that consist of numerous races?

You know what would really make non-Westerners happy? If America and Great Britain would pull out of their homelands...that sure would make them a lot more happy then a welfare check. If non-Europeans could live without white influence, that would make them really happy. If Western politicians want to assist non-European nations financially, they should at least take care of their own people first and make sure they are properly educated with the technical skills to keep their nations in the first world. After that, send them add to their own country, rather then ship millions of them into the West.
To me, we're all humans. I don't care who is has what color hair, eyes or skin. I don't care about their religion. I think all people should have the same freedoms and rights. I don't blame them for trying to make a better life for themselves.

Those are some really nice leftist cliches you just recited there. Everyone together now: "Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya..." :p

It's an interesting phenomenon though that when non-Europeans want better lives they seek to live amongst Europeans, but Europeans wanting better lives generally seek to move away from non-Europeans.

But i guess it's not politically correct for us to point out that, in America for instance, black men rape white women 100x more frequently than white men rape black women. Same goes with the racially disproportionate rates of robbery, homicide, etc. However, it's perfectly acceptable to remind white people again and again of the crimes of their ancestors.

Here's a rather common sentiment amongst leftists:

"Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history."

- Susan Sontag, leftist dipshit extraordinaire

Call me crazy, but i'd say it's high time for Westerners to pull their collective heads out of their collective asses.
Yeah, I think in all countries happens the same. Here in Spain, people from Madrid criticize Catalonians because they say we are mean (:rolleyes:) and we Catalonians say that people from Madrid are show-off, and the most of Spanish say that people from Andalucia are lazy. The thing is that I don't think the feelings is of hate between us, I think it's a kind of "rivalry", for example with football and so on. Of course there are people here that hates others but fortunatelly they are not the majority.

Haha...yeah, that's kinda how i figured it was in Sweden, too....more or less a "hometown pride" kinda thing..
Anyway, Rae of Sunshine, those are just my views..

But i become less and less interested in human affairs every day as i continue to lose faith in humanity in general, with the exception of a very small handful of people. Humans are indeed the worst thing that's happened to this planet.

As long as people are nice to animals and the environment, then i don't really care what the fuck they do, even if i think it's stupid.

Gonna join you on that one, pally!+

Edit... sorry, didn't mean to go back off-topic again... but it had to be said lol
Humanity is probably the most amazing thing that happened to this earth and to a fairly big part of the universe (if not all of it.. but I don't think we're the only intelligent beings in the whole universe).

Ok, we tend to destroy nature which is a terrible thing, but think of what we've created! You're here sitting in front of your computer screen taking it for granted... a fucking computer screen? I mean how the hell do we make those? think about it. Its incredible, its just so unnatural!