
Humanity is probably the most amazing thing that happened to this earth and to a fairly big part of the universe

Well, that would be the anthropocentric view, and possibly you're right. But, at the risk of sounding like some half-baked bongo playing hippie, maybe some far greater form of intelligence is looking down at us the same way we look at ants? Maybe we just have a completely over-inflated sense of self-importance?

Ok..that sounded dumb, but whatever the case, i guess i'm a bit of a misanthrope. I mean, let's face it, for the most part humans are a bunch of lying, selfish, greedy, backstabbing pieces of crap - probably even myself included.;) Maybe these sordid attributes have become even more acute in present-day humans with the rise of self-indulgent consumerism on the one hand (courtesy of capitalist asswipes), and the deterioration of the sense of 'honor' on the other hand (thanks to idiotic cultural Marxists). We can certainly see these forces at work as Westerners disgrace their ancestors and willing participate in the destruction of the civilization they inherited - the greatest, most creative civilization ever built.

Haha... i don't really know what i'm getting at....i'm not sure what i'm trying to say...

...but the beauty and innocence of animals and nature is incredibly refreshing and precious to me in contrast to the steaming pile of shit that is humanity.


Christ. I don't think i'm making any sense. Will only Phelice understand me? :lol:
well i must point out, after reading all what u guys have said,

@ celtik: u think the "immigrants" are only migrating to eroup? dude come over here espically in dubai, its full of eroupians, they come to middel east with amazingly high salary while the locals dont get as much, u think thats fair? so stop bitching about us moving to eroup, cuz u guys are doing the same.
i dont have anything against it, but as long as we are not complaning how come u r?
Christ. I don't think i'm making any sense. Will only Phelice understand me? :lol:

No, you actually do make a lot of sense and I like what you wrote and agree mostly.
I was just trying to be against the tide, since anti-human feelings seem to be the trend amongst metalheads :D
Also, yes, humans are selfish, backstabbing assholes full of hatred and such.. but we've also got qualities : love (without wanting to sound emo), kindness, helping eachother, courage (sometimes), imagination..etc.. things which relatively speaking are weak in the animal world if not non-existant for most of the species.
there. :)

well i must point out, after reading all what u guys have said,

@ celtik: u think the "immigrants" are only migrating to eroup? dude come over here espically in dubai, its full of eroupians, they come to middel east with amazingly high salary while the locals dont get as much, u think thats fair? so stop bitching about us moving to eroup, cuz u guys are doing the same.
i dont have anything against it, but as long as we are not complaning how come u r?

Oh, I hadn't realised there were millions and millions of european immigrants in Dubai.... *sarcasm off*
And I never said immigrants only migrate to Europe. Thats the problem with debates with people who absolutely don't agree with your stand.. they tend to make you say things you didn't.
I am against mass immigration. I know the UAE are absolutely stock full of immigrants, if my memory serves me correctly there are far more immigrants than nationals in the UAE. The fact of the matter is the hugest majority aren't european.
And immigrants in Europe make the salaries go down.. be happy european immigrants in the UAE don't do the same, cause thats one of the worst consequences of immigration... and i'm not going to start talking about the other bad consequences of immigration to Europe such as rising criminality rates for example which I'm pretty sure europeans don't contribute to in the UAE....

But you don't seem to understand my thought of the situation. Its not a question of "us" or "you"... I don't dislike "you", or non-europeans, or even immigrants in general. I hate leftists who make mass immigration, hence the permanent destruction of our identity, race, culture and continent, possible. Its normal for a human being to seek a better life elsewhere. Only i'd be much more strict in terms of immigration policies. Especially that many immigrants here in Europe tend to lack the qualities to be a good integrated citizen.
And if "you" don't complain about "your" immigrants it doesn't mean I can't complain about "mine". I react like that simply because, personally, I don't really enjoy taking it up the ass, so I try to do something about it.
Only i'd be much more strict in terms of immigration policies. Especially that many immigrants here in Europe tend to lack the qualities to be a good integrated citizen.

I agree with you in this. But the problem is that those people come to our countries because they have lots of problems in their own countries. Here in Spain, lots of old people, for example from Germany, come to Spain when they retire because here, for them that they have better salaries that we have, they can buy a little house in the coast (Mallorca is full of German, for example); or they come here because of the sun, the good weather and so on. But the people that comes from Morocco, from Pakistan, or any other African country... they don't come here because of the weather, or to buy a pretty house, they come here because probably they have nothing to eat. And to be hungry makes people do things like crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in a small boat taking the risk of a death in the middle of the sea. When a person does this, with the awareness of the risk of death, is because they really need the opportunity of having a job and to eat at least once a day.
I disagree with the massive inmigration too. In Spain this is a real problem, but... wouldn't be better that we (I mean European and American Governments, not we normal citizens) to help them to take advantage of their own land, to help them to find a job there, in order they have food in the fridge everyday, or have the possibility of living in a flat instead of living in the street?
I think if they hadn't the real need of moving from their countries, they wouldn't come here.
I have lived in Denmark for a couple months just for work. I liked it there. The people were and I guess still are very friendly. Say, what was that spiced whiskey they gave us every Friday morning. Something like doppleganger I think it was called. I could only do one or two shots but the locals I worked with would to five or six. And I have to say I loved all the open faced sandwich meals. They also had all kinds of schnapps. They would bring out a tray of assorted schnapps after dinner that had all kinds of flavors.

Do any of you live there? If you do could you tell me if King Diamond is like a national star or anything. I was in Coppenhagen and I never saw anything on him. The people I worked with were all corporate exec types and not into metal so I didn't ask them.

As for the off topic discussion, isn't funny how all the countries that people bitch about are the ones people are trying to get into. I mean I have a friend from Canada who bitches about America but I always end the conversation with "Well, you are the one who moved here." I'm a libertarian. I don't care what you do as long as I don't have to pay for it. Have an abortion, do drugs and smoke whatever you want. I just don't want to pay a penny in taxes for you to do it. And I don't want to pay for your needles or your rehab or your hospital bills. So have all the freedom you want. Just pay your own bills.
So... I have been reading until half of Celtik's post but I have to get rid of this here before I go on... Prolly more shit to come out of my head after I read on :D

Amon666... I wish I had YOUR problems, really... I mean WTF???
You see, I work at the animal shelter here, and I every day I see humans fucking the basic needs of animals like a piece of shit... maybe my point of view grew more acute since I have my "new" job in january, but I always respected animals higher than humans, because it IS as Beave said: They ARE the better species, because they don't care a fucking shit about stuff like immigrants or computers or fashion or whatever silly, childish stuff this human race is making the center of their lifes. Including me.
Don't get me wrong, I am not THAT anti-human, I help people when there is need and stuff... but that's again the point: they shit your head as saying thank you. Rescue a dog or a cat that has been crashed by a car, he/she will be thankful until the end of his/her life.

Anyway, about that fucking immigrant-"problem": In my humble opinion, it is not a good idea to migrate to a country of another culture, especially when the cultural differences are as huge as between muslims and christians. You guys will never find the least common denominator. I see it like that: Christians are radical hypocrital asshole pretenders, and muslims are radical anti-everything-that-is-not-like-us-assholes. Get along with it, you will never fit together.
No matter if you are religious or not, you are from different cultures. Unless you are very tolerant, you won't become friends. But why should you anyway.

Gosh now I know what Beave feels like when he is trying to explain what he means... :D
wouldn't be better that we (I mean European and American Governments, not we normal citizens) to help them to take advantage of their own land, to help them to find a job there, in order they have food in the fridge everyday, or have the possibility of living in a flat instead of living in the street?
I think if they hadn't the real need of moving from their countries, they wouldn't come here.

This may sound a bit arrogant: Why should we?? Those are their problems, not ours. In Germany, we have our problems to solve, and in Turkey, they have theirs. I never saw a foreigner come to Germany and say: "Hey, you are in need of more kindergartens? We spend you some!"

The whole mass media as TV or internet or whatever makes it possible to see what it is like in other countries. Or even if a guy somewhere out in the desert hears about "Hartz IV", he will go like "Hey, you get money for doing nothing? You don't have to go to work and get money anyway? So hey ho, let's go!!" - WTF??
So... I have been reading until half of Celtik's post but I have to get rid of this here before I go on... Prolly more shit to come out of my head after I read on :D

Amon666... I wish I had YOUR problems, really... I mean WTF???
You see, I work at the animal shelter here, and I every day I see humans fucking the basic needs of animals like a piece of shit... maybe my point of view grew more acute since I have my "new" job in january, but I always respected animals higher than humans, because it IS as Beave said: They ARE the better species, because they don't care a fucking shit about stuff like immigrants or computers or fashion or whatever silly, childish stuff this human race is making the center of their lifes. Including me.
Don't get me wrong, I am not THAT anti-human, I help people when there is need and stuff... but that's again the point: they shit your head as saying thank you. Rescue a dog or a cat that has been crashed by a car, he/she will be thankful until the end of his/her life.

Anyway, about that fucking immigrant-"problem": In my humble opinion, it is not a good idea to migrate to a country of another culture, especially when the cultural differences are as huge as between muslims and christians. You guys will never find the least common denominator. I see it like that: Christians are radical hypocrital asshole pretenders, and muslims are radical anti-everything-that-is-not-like-us-assholes. Get along with it, you will never fit together.
No matter if you are religious or not, you are from different cultures. Unless you are very tolerant, you won't become friends. But why should you anyway.

Gosh now I know what Beave feels like when he is trying to explain what he means... :D

Im not sure I agree with all of you rescue comment. I have rescued a cat from tree. And yes it needed rescueing. It was so high up that is could not make its way down. We did everything to try and coax it but it would just stay up there crying itself hoarse. So the second day I decided I had to go up there because I thought it would die of dehydration. It clawed me as soon as I picked it up. I did bring it down but got several deep claw gashes in the process. The cat did not seem very thankful.

I love animals. I am a very big dog lover. I will stop help strays even if I am on my way to someplace important. I just can't leave a dog on the road. But I don't dilute myself into thinking that they are a better species. You say they don't care about immigrants. Of course they do. Haven't you ever seen an animal show. If a wolf from one pack comes into the area of another wolf pack they will attack it. They seem to have very strict rules about immigration. In fact I believe that most of our racist and prejudices come from the instincts hard wired in us. The same way a tiger does not let a panther join its pride is also hard wired into us. They don't cross immigration lines in the animal world.
tbh if you cant fcome up with anything stronger than OMG tax payers money!!!!!

then it's a bit shit.

Here's how I see it:

Culture and differences between nations :) :) :) :rock:

Were all humans so go and make everyone like you as long as you do it peacefully and don't take into account locals feelings infact mock them = :erk: :Puke:

Get the idea?

Russians dont care as long as they get paid their wages.... so there went the opportunity for a proper democracy.
Im not sure I agree with all of you rescue comment. I have rescued a cat from tree. And yes it needed rescueing. It was so high up that is could not make its way down. We did everything to try and coax it but it would just stay up there crying itself hoarse. So the second day I decided I had to go up there because I thought it would die of dehydration. It clawed me as soon as I picked it up. I did bring it down but got several deep claw gashes in the process. The cat did not seem very thankful.

I love animals. I am a very big dog lover. I will stop help strays even if I am on my way to someplace important. I just can't leave a dog on the road. But I don't dilute myself into thinking that they are a better species. You say they don't care about immigrants. Of course they do. Haven't you ever seen an animal show. If a wolf from one pack comes into the area of another wolf pack they will attack it. They seem to have very strict rules about immigration. In fact I believe that most of our racist and prejudices come from the instincts hard wired in us. The same way a tiger does not let a panther join its pride is also hard wired into us. They don't cross immigration lines in the animal world.

About the first part: We had that, too. A cat climbed into a chimney and couldn't get out (none of us had the slightest clue how she got in there) and we had to call the firebrigade to get it out. The cat was in panic because she didn't know what the guys were up to with her. That's normal. Imagine you are stuck somewhere and think you can't get out, and along comes a giant and you think he wants to kill you or stuff...

About the wolves and stuff: They don't have war ministers and all the other fucking politic bureaucratic (dunno if that word is right) shit for that. If a guy from another pack comes in, he will get chased away or killed. How else should they keep their race clean?
I don't wanna sound racist but maybe we should also do so with those humans - you know what I am talking about.
Animals are simple creatures but they still have war and violence and prejudices. You think they are a better species because they don't organize their war and violence. I'm not sure that is a very good argument for their superiority.

Let me give you another example. Apes very much believe like muslims do about women. They are the property of the strongest male. If one male gets near another male's female there will be a fight. If the female does something the male does not like they will get punished. All the bad things you see in humanity are there in the animal world but just simplified.

Hell I see it in my own household. My wife is the only female in my home. Both of my dogs have claimed her. They will fight over who gets her attention. Now we always stop it before they get out of hand but the feelings are difinitely there. The truth is the dogs like me the most. Given the choice they would prefer to be out with me playing in the yard or in the river. But if my wife is giving one of them attention, either petting or playing tug of war, the other dog will try to push the one getting attention away from my wife.

If you take the time to look you will see jealously, racism, greed and prejudice in the amimal world.
well it's trade tokens..

if we screw things up, it's us not the trade tokens.

Animals do things we wouldn't do (most of us) like eat the young of the same species to reassert authority (masculinity). They do definitely get jealous and other emotions like that. We are disgusted with ourselves for acting on animal instincts anyway...
Here's how I see it:

Culture and differences between nations :) :) :) :rock:

Exactly! Thanks for helping me out in my argumentation:
differences between cultures and nations rock.. yet mass migration = mass inter-racial and inter-cultural breeding = indefinate destruction of differences and plurimillenium cultures.

Examples : they can be found mostly in the american continent where little is left of native american cultures. Or we can think of european migration in the USA.. irish, scandinavian, english, germans, italians... although there still are some cultural differences most of it is just a big mix which gave the general white american culture we have today... But in our context of globalisation and practically free migration where no one belongs anywhere anymore, i'll give it a few hundred years and the whole world will be the same.. the only diversity left will be decided by the climate of the region you live in.

I love that stupid argument which says differences rule hence we shouldn't stop immigration... its so obvious that immigration eventually destroys diversity.
Some points you stated are very true, but it still is, that animals have other motives than humans.
Just think about how much morder and suffering comes from money...

Well motives aside it is nice to meet another animal lover. It is really nice to be a dog owner in Germany. Dogs get to do a lot more over there then here in the states.