Scandinavian tour, without Denmark =(


So Judah fucked it up
Jul 28, 2003
Århus, Denmark
Hi Mikael

I know you read this forum once in a while, and I´m really hoping you see this.

The thing is I went to see you Opeth for the first time ever in November 2003 at Voxhall in Århus, Denmark. And it was simply the best show ever!
The thing is though, as I remember it you kinda said that you guys would come back next year or next time you made a European/ Scandinavian tour. That day has come and alas there´s no Danish dates :erk:

PS: I know it´s not always easy to keep these promisis for a big metal band, but you really had my hopes going....
I doubt you can make them change their touring plans so close to it, but you can always go to Malmö across the strait :)
^ I actually thought about going, I have a sister who live in Copenhagen, so perhaps if I could crash at her place. But the other thing is that it is quite expensive to travel to Malmö, and I would prolly also have to take most of the trip alone :erk:
Korlich said:
^ I actually thought about going, I have a sister who live in Copenhagen, so perhaps if I could crash at her place. But the other thing is that it is quite expensive to travel to Malmö, and I would prolly also have to take most of the trip alone :erk:

Where do you live? I supposed the biggest cost will be getting across Stora bælt anyway, unless you live on Sjælland?