SCAR SYMMETRY parts ways with vocalist :(


Absolution of Humanity
Aug 11, 2008
Costa Rica
Dear friends.

A few months ago we decided to part ways with Christian. The reasons are mainly the clichéd "business and creative differences" and lack of interpersonal chemistry. We came to a point where the band's existence was in jeopardy because of these differences, and the only way for us to continue with an inspired state of mind was to go through with this change in the line-up.

This should come as a total surprise to most of you, though you might have wondered why no gigs/tours have been announced since the release of "Holographic Universe". The truth is, we have been offered several tours and one-off shows that everyone in the band wanted to do except for Christian. In a situation like that you get a lot of frustration and it was in everyone's best interest to go separate ways.

We started Scar Symmetry just for the fun of it, never with the idea of becoming hugely successful or whatever. Now, three albums into our career, we've toured both Europe and North America, our latest CD made it to Billboard's Top Heatseekers' chart and we've enjoyed success way beyond our expectations. Needless to say, the situation for us as a band has changed since we started playing together in 2004 and the band is bigger than ever. We had the choice to either take a step back with Christian in the band or a step forward without him... We choose to go forward.

There comes a time to let go and move on, and that time is now. Scar Symmetry wishes Christian the best of luck with his future endeavors and salutes the good times we had with him in the band. We will announce the identity of Christian's replacement shortly.


I met the guy last year and he even bought me a beer!

Well, I wish em the best.
man that really sucks i was just starting to get into this band. Oh well im sure things will work out for the band.

FFFUUUUCCCKKK, seriously, I just bought Holographic Universe and am totally hooked! Oh well, fuck him if he's gonna be the party pooper, they've definitely gotta keep going full steam ahead!
FFFUUUUCCCKKK, seriously, I just bought Holographic Universe and am totally hooked! Oh well, fuck him if he's gonna be the party pooper, they've definitely gotta keep going full steam ahead!

yeah that album is baddass IMO. Seems like everytime i like a band some shit like this maybe i should stop liking bands.
Damn, this does indeed suck. At least they were able to defined their sound prior to loosing this guy. There are plenty of great vocalists out there - and the band is solid. I don't think they'll have a hard time finding someone who can carry the torch. And if it means the band can grow more so without Christian, more power to them.
they should get Speed from soilwork

Strid has a great voice and Scar Symmetry sounds way more inspired than the current scab soilwork....

the guitar work and tunes on the new SS are killer!
they should get Speed from soilwork

Strid has a great voice and Scar Symmetry sounds way more inspired than the current scab soilwork....

the guitar work and tunes on the new SS are killer!

Seriously!! Scar Symmetry lost their vocalist, Soilwork lost both guitarists - talk about a perfect merger! (though SS would have to kick out their current drummer, cuz I don't care how good he is, Dirk is a fucking god :worship: )
Andreas Sydow should be a nice replacement, I feel. The worst mistake a band can do when replacing a vocalist, is getting a vocalist that sounds/tries to sound like the previous vocalist, who probably did the thing much better. So they should get a vocalist that has his own, different style but still fits the bill. Sydow should fit in very nicely :)
Wow, that was unexpected. Completely out of left field. I don't know of anyone who can replace him other than Speed, but I don't see that happening for a variety of reasons.

I'm totally bummed...