SCAR SYMMETRY parts ways with vocalist :(

ya. im not that familiar with previous projects, and they meet my tastes, so i never considered it like that. i must check out centinex then!

Theory in Practice is the most important one to check out, and old Carnal Forge as well (Firedemon and Who's Gonna Burn). Kjellgren was the vocalist for that band.

I don't expect anyone who likes Scar Symmetry to like those bands though. I hate Scar Symmetry because I like the other bands, very different styles of music.
misseration is fucking bomb. and there is no way in hell that speed could ever ever ever be as good as christian, cause 1.speed is getting fat, 2. he doesn't have a vocal coach 3. he can't scream anymore
Haha it would be funny if Speed didn't get the vocal job because he was too fat. I personally wouldn't want to see Bjorn in SS, would prefer to see somebody new get the chance. Otherwise SS will turn into another one of those Soilworky bands which also happen to have Speed as vocalist (Disarmonia Mundi?).
Well by the sounds of the post they already have someone lined up anyways, I think they'll be alright. To be honest, I've never listened to a Scar Symmetry album all the way through, just the incredibly boring, commercial bullshit drivel on their Myspace. Do they actually write any music that is more than just big chord progressions with catchy vocal melodies over them? Killswitch Engage writes more instrumentally interesting music than what I've heard from this band for fuck's sake.
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yeah, they have some sweet grooves as well. the big open chord thing is really only for choruses. i think they are kinda a more melodic, catchy version of carnal forge. same tight groove riffs only on a seven strings. they dont really have any odd time sig type riffs that you arefond of though.

edit: def. more technically proficient than kse tho!!
Well by the sounds of the post they already have someone lined up anyways, I think they'll be alright. To be honest, I've never listened to a Scar Symmetry album all the way through, just the incredibly gay, commercial bullshit drivel on their Myspace. Do they actually write any music that is more than just big chord progressions with catchy vocal melodies over them? Killswitch Engage writes more instrumentally interesting music than what I've heard from this band for fuck's sake.

Oh come on Adam, Morphogenesis is a rockin', catchy song, no need to be ashamed of getting it stuck in your head! Come to the dark side... :lol:

And I grew out of judging music by its complexity a long time ago, but the song "Holographic Universe" is 8 min+ and has some really cool parts, so you might like that. And I accept that the catchiness isn't your thing, but I WILL not accept that KSE writes more interesting stuff, ugghhh - Scar Symmetry to me is perfect example of how once again Sweden will always have more soul and creativity doing the same type of thing then their American counterparts; IMO SS has way more interesting vocal harmonies/melodies and riffage than KSE, not to mention the synths, which make all the difference. KSE has their moments, but overall they bore me, not SS.
Scar symmetry will always be one of my favorite bands and for all of those who are ripping on them. listen to their first album ;D symmetric in design, or even pitch black progress, i still can never ever ever get bored of those albums
Oh come on Adam, Morphogenesis is a rockin', catchy song, no need to be ashamed of getting it stuck in your head! Come to the dark side... :lol:

And I grew out of judging music by its complexity a long time ago, but the song "Holographic Universe" is 8 min+ and has some really cool parts, so you might like that. And I accept that the catchiness isn't your thing, but I WILL not accept that KSE writes more interesting stuff, ugghhh - Scar Symmetry to me is perfect example of how once again Sweden will always have more soul and creativity doing the same type of thing then their American counterparts; IMO SS has way more interesting vocal harmonies/melodies and riffage than KSE, not to mention the synths, which make all the difference. KSE has their moments, but overall they bore me, not SS.

I dunno, Scar Symmetry reminds me of new Soilwork and In Flames. I'm just not into vocal driven music. I LOVE the first 2 Soilwork records, I love Darkane, At The Gates (I have their fuckin' logo tattoo'd on my leg!), Dimension Zero, In Thy Dreams, Dark Tranquillity, Edge of Sanity, etc, I'm a big fan of swedish melodeath. But this stuff just sounds like a european, slightly harder/metalled out version of Elton John or something. There's no balls, aggression, and most of all no RIFFS! Everything is so predictable and boring, nothing ever catches you by surprise and they never play one of those riffs that makes your hairs stand on end because of how badass it is... I dunno, band just seems mindlessly half assed and generic in every way.

EDIT: Listening to Morphogenesis now, seriously this is radio rock with a little growling in the verse... Seriously fuck, it annoys the shit out of me that a band with such cool artwork, lyric concepts, album titles and musicians can write such lackluster shit. I WANT to like this band because the image they put forward looks like some fucking awesome technical/futuristic melodic death metal band, but it's a complete tease.