Scarlett 2i4 / AudioBox 22VSL [CLIPPING?]


Nov 13, 2008
Hopefully someone with some experience with either of these interfaces can help.

I'm looking at purchasing either the Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 or the Presonus AudioBox 22VSL and my main concern is clipping. I know a DI box would be advisable but currently is not in the discussion (<$200 total). I had an older AudioBox USB and it clipped bad with gain at 0.

I only have specs to go off of and I tried searching for any info I could:
-2i4 (with Pad enabled): Gain Control 0 to +45db, Max Input +13dBu
-22VSL: Gain Control -30db to +50db, Max Input +15dBu
-Old AudioBox (for reference): Gain Control 0db to +35db, Max Input -3dBu

I thought the pad on the focusrite would be ideal but I'm assuming the ability to go to -30db gain on the 22VSL would be an even better pseudo-pad(?). Any opinions from first hand experience would be much appreciated.

(Also, the ability to have simultaneous WDM/ASIO streams is important to me and if anyone has a clue on whether either of these can('t) do that, I'd appreciate that as well.)
22VSL will have larger input level, even by specifications it has +15 dbu vs +13 dbu (with Pad) on 2i4, but on 22VSL, it seems, you can further lower your signal. I`m have samples from our local guy, gain at minimum (i.e. -30) can significantly lower recorded signal level.
But the same guy reported problems with stabilty (i.e. pops and clicks), though in latest driver developers alleviated this problem.
As alternative you can also check Avid (M-Audio) C400/C600, C400 is cheaper than 22VSL, maximum input level with Pad is +16 dbV/+18.2 dbu. It is relatively popular in Russia, no complaints about stability so far.
Hey, I am Interested in the same interfaces as well. Scarlett 2i4 or the Presonus 22vsl. Now I have added the M-Audio C400 to the list.

I currently have a Scarlett 2i2 which has the clipping issue. Still clips with gain turned all the way down (using active EMG 81s). I will be returning it to the store in the next few days.

The Scarlett 2i4 doesn't seem to be available in Canada yet, but my store has the C400 in stock.

Trying to decide between the 22VSL and the C400. The C400 has a sweet layout, is $50 cheaper, and comes with protools. So my initial thought is... The internal hardware must suck, lol :P
2i2 has maximum input of -3 dbu, too little. But with active pickups you can freely use guitar volume - it does not affect frequency like volume on guitar with passives, just rather inconvenient (to set volume each time).

On paper, C400 looks as good, as VSL22, it even has better quality factors (SNR, Dynamic Range, THD), especially for preamps. It seems that M-Audio engineers squeezed more from converters, than Presonus. Presonus have top Cirrus Logic CODEC, cs4272 with Dynamic range of 114 db and -100 db THD (114/-100), while M-Audio uses AKM AK4358 DAC with 112/-94 and AK5386 ADC with 110/-96 (still AK5385 will be better choice).
I also have a Passive equipped guitar. I have only tested it with the EMGs so far though.

How are the preamps on the C400 though? I have heard some hate towards them on other threads. I really like the sound of the Scarlett stuff. Sounds a lot warmer and fuller compared to my older Line-6 interface.

I will be using it with Amplitube 3 so lowest latency is my biggest deciding factor.
I purchased the Presonus 22VSL from Amazon shortly after starting this thread and I'm thrilled so far. My 81s peak at -31db at minimum level and don't clip until turning the gain knob on the box about halfway up, so there's room to work with. For a sub $200 box (got it for $160 w/ free shipping from Amazon) it feels well built (metal), solid incremental knobs, phantom power, midi i/o, front 1/4" ports and simultaneous WDM/ASIO support (the last two being big conveniences for me). Recognized Windows 8 support already too. Huge improvement over my E-MU Tracker Pre which got no driver support and had less features.
Hey, thanks for posting back!

I am also leaning more towards the Presonus 22VSL.

What made you get the 22VSL over the Scarlett 2i4? The talk about focusrite preamps is what's making me interested in the 2i4. I have read quite a fair amount of comments complaining about the Presonus preamps not being the nicest. The preamps in the 2i2 I have now definitely sound warm and full.
Hey, thanks for posting back!
What made you get the 22VSL over the Scarlett 2i4? The talk about focusrite preamps is what's making me interested in the 2i4. I have read quite a fair amount of comments complaining about the Presonus preamps not being the nicest. The preamps in the 2i2 I have now definitely sound warm and full.
I bet that maximum input level was the main factor, preamps can be warm and full, but if you just have clipping even with gain at minimum, than ... who will like such preamps? :)
Just compare -3 dbu of 2i2, +13 dbu of 2i4 and almost +40 dbu (it seems so) on VSL22 (with gain at -30)... for DIs clipping is more undesired. For EMGs on 9 V level of 2i4 can be sufficient, but, if you want to play with 18 V or use high output passives, than it`s not enough.
It just seemed to have the best shot at fitting my needs and the price was cheaper ($160 vs $200 at the time I purchased). No major reasons beyond price.

edit: I basically just took a gamble on one of the two and the one I picked happen to work out well so far. If I knew for fact that the 2i4 wouldn't clip and had sufficient head room then it would really be a toss up.
I bet that maximum input level was the main factor, preamps can be warm and full, but if you just have clipping even with gain at minimum, than ... who will like such preamps? :)
Just compare -3 dbu of 2i2, +13 dbu of 2i4 and almost +40 dbu (it seems so) on VSL22 (with gain at -30)... for DIs clipping is more undesired. For EMGs on 9 V level of 2i4 can be sufficient, but, if you want to play with 18 V or use high output passives, than it`s not enough.

My EMG 81s are on 18V and my passive guitar has a Seymour Duncan Distortion (high output for sure). So you think the 2i4 might be a gamble for me? I thought with the "pad" option, it would handle it no problem.

It just seemed to have the best shot at fitting my needs and the price was cheaper ($160 vs $200 at the time I purchased). No major reasons beyond price.

edit: I basically just took a gamble on one of the two and the one I picked happen to work out well so far. If I knew for fact that the 2i4 wouldn't clip and had sufficient head room then it would really be a toss up.

Okay thanks for the info! I can't even find the 2i4 in Canada yet and I think the 22VSL is a bit cheaper in Canada as well. So I think I will probably just go with one of those.

The M-Audio C400 looks really cool but I'm not sure I would feel confident enough about buying it with all the bad things I have read about it. Although some people just love to hate on M-Audio, so who knows.
My EMG 81s are on 18V and my passive guitar has a Seymour Duncan Distortion (high output for sure). So you think the 2i4 might be a gamble for me? I thought with the "pad" option, it would handle it no problem.
+13 dbu already with Pad engaged :)
Pads on different interfaces can be very different, one interface can have large input level even without any Pad, other will have low level with Pad.
For example you can compare two Focusrite interfaces: Scarlett 2i4 has +13 dbu with Pad, Saffire 6 USB has +7 dbu with Pad, so 2i4 can record twice larger level. And, for example, Avid (M-Audio) Fast Track (MKII) have +12dbV/+14.2 dbu without any Pad at all.
My Scarlett 2i4 just arrived and with my passive duncans it doesn't clip.
BUT it seems I cant use buffer sizes lower than 128 which sucks and may be the reason for the Scarlett to go back to thomann...
My Scarlett 2i4 just arrived and with my passive duncans it doesn't clip.
BUT it seems I cant use buffer sizes lower than 128 which sucks and may be the reason for the Scarlett to go back to thomann...

Hello Flow Of Time,

Thanks for your post.

128 samples is not really that bad. Are you hearing any latency at all?

What is your operating system? Are you connecting the Focusrite 2i4 to any USB hub? Are there other devices connected? Have you optimised your operating system for audio?

Lots of tips and tricks to improve latency issues can be found online on our answerbase. Otherwise, feel free to contact me here, via phone or the contact form on our answerbase should you have any further queries.
Hey! I just joined this forum in hopes that somebody may be able to provide me an answer. I just bought a Focusrite Sapphire PRO 14 which I'm using for ProTools 10 on my iMac. The interface is connected and installed all all should be. The hardward playback and I/Os in PT are setup as they should be also. I see a signal in the MixControl software window, but nothing in PT when the tracks are record enabled. Tech support was no help, what am I doing wrong??
Hey! I just joined this forum in hopes that somebody may be able to provide me an answer. I just bought a Focusrite Sapphire PRO 14 which I'm using for ProTools 10 on my iMac. The interface is connected and installed all all should be. The hardward playback and I/Os in PT are setup as they should be also. I see a signal in the MixControl software window, but nothing in PT when the tracks are record enabled. Tech support was no help, what am I doing wrong??

Hi SoCalSounds,

Thanks for your post.

Has your case been resolved in the meantime?

Do you have a case number or did you contact us via phone?
I use a Scarlett 2i4 and I keep the pad enabled because my passives can make the indicator ring on the unit go red with heavy chugging.

In Reaper the block size is 128 and in the asio config for the Scarlett I have a 3ms buffer setting. Reaper reports 8ms latency but in the Focusrite settings it reports 0 input and 0 output latency. I cant detect any while I'm playing so I'm guessing the focusrite is correct? Kinda confused about that..
