Scarpoint - Done by me. Axe-FX content.


Jocke Skog
Jan 8, 2007
Stockholm - Sweden
Here are three snippets from the forthcoming album "The Mask of sanity" by the band Scarpoint.

This is the band that Ola (Goddamn Guitar)'s doing the guitar duties in. (Grammar police? Feels weird. Swenglish? Aww fuck it, he's playing guitar in that band anyway.)

I can't really put out full songs, but some snippets so you can hear the character of the mix. The guitars are an Ibanez Rg something 7-string and the bass is an old Fender Jaguar. Through the almighty Axe-FX. 5150 sim and a custom FAL-Engl V30-SM57 cab IR. All direct. We did record DI and were supposed to reamp it later through an amp, but everybody like it so... I mean why fix it if it works? :)

Recorded by me, mixed by me and actually produced by me. Lots of me there. :)

Oh yeah, a dumb video from the recording. ;)
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Overall, killer mix but I would prefer you reamped the guitar with a sweet tube amp. Either way, I would bring the guitars mid up a little more for some clarity. P.S. Love that white Steinberger hanging on the wall in the video.
I feel like the guitars lack some higher mids/treble sparkle, other than that, seems like a pretty bitching mix!
Overall, killer mix but I would prefer you reamped the guitar with a sweet tube amp. Either way, I would bring the guitars mid up a little more for some clarity. P.S. Love that white Steinberger hanging on the wall in the video.

If I would've said "TS9-5150-EnglXXL-SM57" you wouldn't notice anything digital, besides the MP3 at 192kbit. :heh:
Ok then don't reamp it? It's not that I think there is anything digital about it I just think you are able to capture the real sound of a real amp much better by actually micing it. IF you have the chance to have the real thing, why not take it.

Are you looking for any specific advice or are you just wanting to show your stuff off?
funny video! :lol:

the snippets sound really good, really WIDE!?
any tips on how to get such a wide sound? :D

Ok then don't reamp it? It's not that I think there is anything digital about it I just think you are able to capture the real sound of a real amp much better by actually micing it. IF you have the chance to have the real thing, why not take it.

But why fix something that isn't broken? Reamping an album takes quite some time and it costs money by the hour like everything else in a studio session. It's not like Jocke is doing this for fun on his spare time. Besides everyone was happy with the results so why even bother. I love the guitars on this record, they fit the mix so well.
Thanks a lot Ola, but you're biased. ;)

Jeff, I bet I could make a real tube amp to sound just like that. That's just how I work, making awesome stuff sound digital. ;)

Bob, thanks a lot! Your opinion is really appreciated!
An IRL chain? Rectifier into an Ampeg 4x12 bass cab, miked with a "noname" chinese ribbon mic. :) Some compression and some Eq to glue it into the mix.

So it´s just one track? I mean, no real bass head and no dry signal track, just the bass on the Rectifier on Ampeg cab track? Sounds really great!

Off topic: When I bought my first guitar I took some lessons with the guitarrist of the prog metal band Karma (sick skills!). I remember that in my first lesson he said "check out this amazing guitar tone" and showed Paradise to me. Didn´t knew Clawfinger at that time and was blown away :headbang: