Old riff, guess the gear and fap to my new guitars. ;)

That's an interesting idea. IFH - impulses from hell. Hmm...

i think the market still needs really really good impulses.
im actually talking to a real pro (cant tell names yet, as im not 100% sure
when hell get back to me ;-) right now about a new line of
world class impulses.

but i guess you guys being pioneers in that area could make some serious $$ in the metal impulse area. redwirez are cool for crunchy or cllean tones.
but none of them have the character and scoopiness for metaallll...

maybe you guys could even try the nebula thing, sounded very promising.
Danny you took the words right out of my mouth! I was just thinking early this week that Jocke needs to sell some of his kick ass impulses. I was even going to PM him and ask to buy some. "Impulses from hell" is a outstanding idea Jocke! And you would have to include the impules you used for this:


This is by far the best high gain Axefx tone I've heard!!!
Thanks SwambA. I might be moving my studio work to another studio in Stockholm. Cheaper for me, but more expensive for my customers. It might be worth it though, considering the gear list. ;) http://www.decibelstudios.se/studio1.html We (Clawfinger) recorded our first three albums there, and I've known the people since. I talked to them recently about a collaboration, since they're not really metal dudes, but I am. They're very positive about the whole thing, but we have to figure out some small details before it goes public. I'd love to use some of their gear to do those impulses again. I kinda know how to replicate them, after a year of training.:D
Just looked into the Meathead because I really love the tone you get on this clip. listened to all the samples and youtube stuff on them. WOW!! I think I found my new dream amp. They sound awesome!!