Schecter 7-string..


Apr 15, 2007
I am shopping for a 7 string guitar and actually found one that seems to be almost perfect for me - Schecter C-7 WHT with licensed floyd... The problem is that it costs 750€ (1 089$) here in Finland :waah: I believe you coud buy one of these about 600$ in the states? and the one without the floyd about 500$. That really pisses me off :mad:

Is there any other similar guitars out there that can be bought on reasonable price here in europe.. I believe Ibanez seems to be the only option.

And finally is there really a noticeable difference between 25,5" scale and 26,5" scale on the b-string. I have heard that with longer scale the b-string will sustain better...
I could afford the c-7 (the white one is teh sex :cool:) .. It's just that it would eat the back of my brain to know that I paid almost double price for it :lol:..

So I'm looking for non Schecter 26,5" scale 7-string with floyd.. price range about 700€
The "nyrkkisääntö" of ordering from the US is that whatever it costs in USD (incl. shipping), the final price will be it in euros. So a 600 USD guitar with 100 USD shipping costs would cost 700 euros after VAT, toll and shipping. So now you see that it isn't much cheaper. You can't even try the method of going on a vacation to US and bringing a guitar back. The toll guys are extremely tight with what you had when you left and what you have when you returned. Even if you bring an empty guitar case, or a cheapo HarleyBenton, they'll see that you are trying a tax fraud and get you in trouble.

It isn't much told, but when you leave Finland to a non-EU country, you have to report what you have with you. If you don't, the toll guys can assume you bought the stuff while on vacation and they are legally able to charge taxes for everything. However, they don't check your luggage thoroughly (just x-ray, drug dog and the usual stuff), so it's not all so tight. But you can't fit a guitar into your luggage case unless it's a bolt-on neck one :lol:
The "nyrkkisääntö" of ordering from the US is that whatever it costs in USD (incl. shipping), the final price will be it in euros. So a 600 USD guitar with 100 USD shipping costs would cost 700 euros after VAT, toll and shipping. So now you see that it isn't much cheaper. You can't even try the method of going on a vacation to US and bringing a guitar back. The toll guys are extremely tight with what you had when you left and what you have when you returned. Even if you bring an empty guitar case, or a cheapo HarleyBenton, they'll see that you are trying a tax fraud and get you in trouble.

It isn't much told, but when you leave Finland to a non-EU country, you have to report what you have with you. If you don't, the toll guys can assume you bought the stuff while on vacation and they are legally able to charge taxes for everything. However, they don't check your luggage thoroughly (just x-ray, drug dog and the usual stuff), so it's not all so tight. But you can't fit a guitar into your luggage case unless it's a bolt-on neck one :lol:

Yeah, you're right..

I found another model that seems to be fine - IBANEZ RG1527RB (for about 800€). Any experiences on these?