Schecter C-1 Passive/String gauges and pickups?

Jeff Hardy

New Metal Member
Sep 20, 2015
So I'm about to lay down some cash on a new guitar. I've been eyeing this thing for a mad minute now. The thing is I'm a little concerned. I want to put some 11's on a C-1 Passive and change out the pickups to some Bare Knuckles. I'll probably go with Nailbomb in the bridge or the Cold sweat. Then maybe a duncan 59 in the neck or the neck version of the Nailbomb. I play in Drop C.

The concerns I'm having are with the gauge and pickups as the title says. I'm worried the gap for the low E isn't going to be large enough for the 11's. Has anyone with a C-1 had an experience with this size string? Did you have to do any work on the nut?

The next concern is the pickups. The c-1 has coil split. Is this going to be an issue? Also is the pickup slot large enough to fit the pickups without routing?

I really would appreciate any and all help in the matter. I don't wanna throw down the cash and be stuck. I live in a small town and there isn't any decent guitar techs out here. So I'll have to do any work if needed.
I had a buddy with a nice c-1 who used 12's and had no problems with the nut. The pickup swap should be fine too, most modern humbuckers retrofit and coil split fine. I'm fairly positive that the Duncan's will be set up for an easy swap but the bareknuckles I can't speak to. I would email them about the specific models you have in mind and ask if they will be drop in replacements. I'm sure with a somewhat premium company they should be used to feilding these kinds of questions. As long as the model you want doesn't have a strange cover on it it should fit I would think.
Thanks for the info man. Puts me at ease on the string deal. I've sent an email to them to check it out. Just gotta wait and see now.
I personally use a skull string 11-58 set for drop C on my ibanez ARX (24,74")
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and the tension is fine, so it should be okay for a C1 (25,5")

If your nut is in plastic, there is high chances the 58 string will fit without any problem, if it's bone however, you better have to fill it a little bit.
I used to own a C-1 with a Nailbomb/Cold Sweat set. Yes you will have to file the nut slots, takes a few minutes to and you can do it with an old string. I had a bone nut installed on mine since the factory one wasn't installed very well. The pickups will fit fine, just make sure you go to a tech who knows what he's doing so he wires everything up correctly.
I use 56-13s on my Blackjack C1s, haven't bothered filing the nuts on them. I found the 59N to be a little boomy in the neck and the JB to have that weird mid-spike. Installed a set of Black Winters into one, will probably go with D-Activators in another one, and a Nazgul/Jazz in the third.