School Massacre in finland

What i think makes it even worse is that the police did interrogate him yesterday!! And they didn't take him into custody though they knew that he was mental and a gunfreak.
Best wishes to the family of the victims.
This is really fucking sick.
What i think makes it even worse is that the police did interrogate him yesterday!! And they didn't take him into custody though they knew that he was mental and a gunfreak.
Best wishes to the family of the victims.
This is really fucking sick.

They didn't know he was mental. Quite the opposite, actually, since they didn't find any reason to cancel his gun permit. I agree they made a pricy mistake, but it's not like they did it on purpose or knew he was going to kill nine kids the next day.

Fucking awful. It's a shame he died just like Auvinen, that was a too easy way out for him.
Fucking awful; I can't believe these incidents keep popping up. Are kids really this depressed, psychotic, and attention-hungry?? It really blows my mind.

Do we really need to have armed guards at schools all over the world now?!

I agree with jhakwe. You cannot persecute or hold someone in custody because of something like that, but god damn...The kid needed some tougher parents or something. You need to ask yourself what REALLY would drive a young kid to do something like that.


do the finish media blame heavy metal for such deeds, like they do in germany?

They tried to, in Auvinen's case, but no one really got into that, so it's mostly the flower hat grannies that do that. Then again, pretty much 90 % of Finland listens to some form of metal/rock :lol:

Mostly there's talk whether handguns should be banned from the general public. But then again, you only get a permit for sport shooting and such, when it comes to bigger calibers. But I believe you can get a .22 somewhat easily (legally).

Of course rifles and shotguns will still available for hunting and so on. Even though there are millions of rifles and shotguns in Finland, it says quite a lot that not one school shooting has been done with them - the permit system is tight, but any sane person can get one if they so want to. I'm not sure how it goes, but I believe you must follow "steps", like first a .22/airgun for a few years, then a 9mm if you can prove you have a proper use for it, and then hunting rifles and shotguns, with a very good reason. I believe you need to be an active member of a hunting/sport shooting club for several years before that, and the rules within the clubs are very tight too. And since 85 % of Finnish men have completed military service, "everyone" learns proper and safe gun handling, so they won't fool around needlessly.

Oh and you are not allowed to carry a concealed gun in the public (only in a gun bag if you are on your way to a shooting range, or hunting). And carrying it in plain sight will land you a big fine, and possibly a minor sentence. And you will surely loose your gun permit, at least for a number of years.
They tried to, in Auvinen's case, but no one really got into that, so it's mostly the flower hat grannies that do that. Then again, pretty much 90 % of Finland listens to some form of metal/rock :lol:

Mostly there's talk whether handguns should be banned from the general public. But then again, you only get a permit for sport shooting and such, when it comes to bigger calibers. But I believe you can get a .22 somewhat easily (legally).

Of course rifles and shotguns will still available for hunting and so on. Even though there are millions of rifles and shotguns in Finland, it says quite a lot that not one school shooting has been done with them - the permit system is tight, but any sane person can get one if they so want to. I'm not sure how it goes, but I believe you must follow "steps", like first a .22/airgun for a few years, then a 9mm if you can prove you have a proper use for it, and then hunting rifles and shotguns, with a very good reason. I believe you need to be an active member of a hunting/sport shooting club for several years before that, and the rules within the clubs are very tight too. And since 85 % of Finnish men have completed military service, "everyone" learns proper and safe gun handling, so they won't fool around needlessly.

Oh and you are not allowed to carry a concealed gun in the public (only in a gun bag if you are on your way to a shooting range, or hunting). And carrying it in plain sight will land you a big fine, and possibly a minor sentence. And you will surely loose your gun permit, at least for a number of years.

Seems like very sensible gun laws. I am a fan of responsible gun ownership. Unfortunately those who misuse their firearms, or obtain them illegally, tarnish the reputation of responsible owners forever.

Banning handguns will not solve the problem. Unfortunately we cannot stop emotionally disturbed individuals from doing these horrible things, even if the gun laws were stricter.

I'm not sure how it goes, but I believe you must follow "steps", like first a .22/airgun for a few years, then a 9mm if you can prove you have a proper use for it, and then hunting rifles and shotguns, with a very good reason.

AFAIK you don't need a permit for other guns before getting one for hunting rifles or shotguns. Not 100% certain, but a couple of my friends are hobbyist hunters with permits for hunting rifles, and I don't think they ever applied for example for a 9mm permit.
Don't know what so say really. I thought this kind of stuff was limited to the US, but it seems the roots of new-age western culture are spreading far, with that inherent disrespect for the value of life.

What gets me is how disgustingly unfair it is for the people who get killed. Just to imagine waking up one day, going to university simply to study in the hopes of getting a good career and you get gunned down... for what? One depressed, dickless lunatic who's watched a few too many action movies?

Fuckin shit...
there is NO sense for having weapons or need for using them. all guns should be banned. statistics say if you own a gun, it's more likely you get killed by a gun.

Agreed, however the fear is that if somebody enters your house and attacks you with an illegally-obtained firearm, you have nothing equal to defend yourself with. Really, that's the only reason I can imagine behind ever needing to own a gun, domestically. Even so, here in Australia you're likely to go to prison for a few decades for defending your life, so either way you're fucked...
Well I suppose it's different because I live in the U.S.A., but it's my right to own a firearm if I so well please. Banning all firearms would not solve anything, and I couldn't care less about statistics. Most crimes that occur here in my home state are committed with the use of illegal firearms. If you ban them all, it makes not one iota of difference to gang members and criminals. They will find ways to obtain them.

Those statistics are useless in my opinion, as are many statistics. It's similar to saying: "If you life on the gulf coast, you are XXX x's more likely to experience a hurricaine." Obviously. If you don't own a firearm, then your chances of shooting yourself or a family member by accident are much less likely. Duh. BUT, it's how you, as a responsible gun owner, choose to handle your firearm in a safe and cautious manner.

Target shooting is harmless and fun, IF you are a responsible gun owner and enthusiast.

Moonlapse, 100% correct about self defense. I can't even count how many shitty neighborhoods and towns there are here in NJ. I live about a 4 minute drive from one of them. My neighbors house was almost broken into a couple weeks ago, in the middle of the day!

And yes, you probably will receive a prison term if you are to shoot and kill an unarmed assailant. But, if a criminal enters my house, and is OBVIOUSLY brandishing a firearm, aimed at me or my better believe I'm going to defend myself. Also, even if they don't have a firearm, simply making it clear and obvious that you do is another effective way to end the situation without either party getting hurt.

And yes, you probably will receive a prison term if you are to shoot and kill an unarmed assailant. But, if a criminal enters my house, and is OBVIOUSLY brandishing a firearm, aimed at me or my better believe I'm going to defend myself. Also, even if they don't have a firearm, simply making it clear and obvious that you do is another effective way to end the situation without either party getting hurt.-Joe
if someone enters your house he wants to steal money. give it to him, call the insurance, get the money back and nevermind. if you pull out a gun, you are bringing your familiy into a dangerous situation. this cowboy mentality is so ridiculous: I have the right to have a weapon. If you own a weapon you endanger yourself, no more no less. shooting at targets is fun with airgun too.
but I don't want to start a rifle discussion here, just laid me tell you how happy I am living in Germany concerning this matter
if someone enters your house he wants to steal money. give it to him, call the insurance, get the money back and nevermind. if you pull out a gun, you are bringing your familiy into a dangerous situation. this cowboy mentality is so ridiculous: I have the right to have a weapon. If you own a weapon you endanger yourself, no more no less. shooting at targets is fun with airgun too.

Agreed. If someone wants my money and nothing else, it's his. No problem there. If he's raising a gun to shoot myself, or any member of my family without any warning...then that is a different story.

And it's not a "cowboy" mentality dude. Please don't stereotype me as a crazy, gun-loving, redneck. Far from it. It's me knowing I will protect my family at all costs. If this crazed, fucked up individual would shoot up a school for no reason, who's to say an intruder won't shoot my entire family before stealing my money? You can't generalize the situation and say "just give him what he wants." If an intruder has no regard for the lives of others, then I will defend myself, plain and simple.

As far as saying that by owning a weapon then I am in danger, I respectfully disagree. I know I won't change your mind, since you have your views. I'm not trying to either. Let's just leave it at that.


please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to sterotype you. Of cause you have your own opinion on that topic, which is fine to me. I'm just trying to understand why people think they can protect themselves by having guns, while the opposite is the case.