At the same time, banning guns completely would be a very brash decision and really is limiting one's individual freedom as a law abiding citizen.
I think that statement may make more sense to somebody living in the US, or another country where guns are easily obtained, rather than the rest of the western world.
It's not like a person would be denied food, electricity, healthcare... it's guns we're talking about. These are instruments designed to incapacitate or kill another living being. That is their sole purpose. Why in the hell would a 'law abiding citizen' ever want to own one of these? It just sounds downright contradictory.
Don't get me wrong, I love my liberties as much as the next guy, and I actually see your point in a lot of what's been written here, but the angle that banning legally owned firearms is somehow infringing on a person's civil rights is just plain bullshit to me. Like I said, it may make a lot more sense to you in the states, than it does to me here in Australia (or as I like to refer to it, mini-China that has an identity crisis and wants to be America).
If banning legally obtained firearms can reduce the gun mortality rate by even 1, is it not worth it? From what I understand, these school shooters mostly obtained their firearms legally and were members of gun clubs and whatnot. It's obvious that the safeguards we have in place (psyche evaluations etc.) are ineffective in diagnosing psychosis. When you allow someone to keep a gun in their home, you're giving them the power to give life or death over an unarmed person at any time. The general populace aren't lucid or screwed straight enough to be given that sort of power.
The only reason, as mentioned above, that I can see for needing to own one at home is self-defense. But even so, as hoehlentroll mentioned, you endager yourself by taking on an armed perpetrator.
As much as I disagree with the premise and example set by giving a crook the money they came to steal (I'd much rather give it to em with interest ie. with a bullet, or knife in the throat), you have to sort of balance out the cons and pros of allowing people to keep these weapons in their homes. Self defense should be the only reason it's considered, not civil liberties. That's simply an excuse by those who don't want to give up the power of owning a firearm - A firearm which no law abiding citizen should have a need to possess (apart from self defense, which leads to the ongoing catch 22).