School me in metal.

I'll say what I said without the flaming then.

Still just sounds happy/Rock and rolly compared to even the first black sabbath song. Or compared to any of the early 80's thrash. Sabbath was singing about Satan with sinister vocals and tritone guitar riffs while DP and JP were playing happy upbeat rock riffs just a bit faster, and singing about cars and such.
Metal isn't solely about "Satan" and being "heavy"; and I firmly believe you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what metal is, if you seriously think 70s Priest is anything other than heavy metal.

Obviously if you compare it to Sabbath, or 80s thrash it is going to seem a bit less... heavy. But that is like saying getting ran over by a pickup truck isn't harmful, because getting ran over by an eighteen wheeler will kill you. It is fallacious thinking.
.. he thinks that lyrics are a huge part of what's metal and what isnt. That should tell you enough.

Back in the day, there was no better feeling then rummaging through records and the local music bins looking for cool music, and when you find it, it's that much sweeter.

THIS! One of the saddest things i went through was watching all the local record stores around here close, especially the ones that i spent over half my childhood in. I miss the good ole days of record stores and arcades. :(
I would very much recommend the documentary "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" -it's not all encompassing, but an excellent starting point more for history/information. A great watch between cramming new albums =D

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Excellent, I love documentaries. I'll check them out for sure.


Still working through Sabbath, but it's odd. Later albums aren't nearly as dark as their first. Still enjoying them but they don't have the same dark and heavy vibe.

Heading into the late seventies now and working in some Scorpions. Different feel but very sharp and heavy, to my untrained ear anyway. Really enjoyed their 1977 "Taken by Force."

Thanks for the encouragement and guidance metalheads.
Here's my list:

Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Mid-era Satyricon (try the album Volcano)
Killswitch Engage
Burzum (not the synth stuff although it's okay in general)
Black Sabbath
The first two Trivium albums
King's-X (the album Dogman is probably the most 'metal' they made)
Armored Saint
Exodus (Baloff and Zetro only)

Excellent, I love documentaries. I'll check them out for sure.


Still working through Sabbath, but it's odd. Later albums aren't nearly as dark as their first. Still enjoying them but they don't have the same dark and heavy vibe.

Heading into the late seventies now and working in some Scorpions. Different feel but very sharp and heavy, to my untrained ear anyway. Really enjoyed their 1977 "Taken by Force."

Thanks for the encouragement and guidance metalheads.

Black sabbath's recent album 13 brings back that slow heaviness you're after. The slow crushingly heavy sound is also a common aesthetic in the sub genres of Doom and Stoner metal. Those might be solid places to start for you. Others are more schooled in doom than I am so I won't try to make too many recs. But something to start with:

Saint vitus
Electric Wizard

Acid King
I was instantly drawn in by Ozzy's vocals and the (and this surprised me the most) very SLOW cadence to the songs.

Go listen to some Doom Metal.

Stuff that more along the lines of Traditional Doom Metal
Saint Vitus
Pagan Altar
Solitude Aeternus
Reverend Bizarre

There's also Death/Doom, Funeral Doom, Blackened Doom, Sludge, etc., but listen to the regular stuff first. Definitely keep doing what you're doing in regards to listening to all the different genres, but if you like BS, you'll probably like Doom Metal.
Getting into the 80s now, thanks for all the recs. Checking out some of the Doom groups here and there. It's a bit hit or miss. I'm not sure if I like the "growling" voiceless style of singing or not in some of the groups.

If anyone catches this update can you recommend a few Stoner metal bands, I'd like to check them out.

The documentaries were quite good, and taught me quite a bit! So far--Metallica is pretty sick. Their music is so technical and tight. Kinetic. Really superb.
Getting into the 80s now, thanks for all the recs. Checking out some of the Doom groups here and there. It's a bit hit or miss. I'm not sure if I like the "growling" voiceless style of singing or not in some of the groups.

If anyone catches this update can you recommend a few Stoner metal bands, I'd like to check them out.

These ones I recced before count as Stoner metal. I'll add in specific albums to try:

Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics
Sleep - Holy Mountain
Yob - Clearing the Path to Ascend
Acid King - III
Ufomammut - Ecate

Krow or KafkaX can help you more with this. They helped me get into the genre.

The documentaries were quite good, and taught me quite a bit! So far--Metallica is pretty sick. Their music is so technical and tight. Kinetic. Really superb.

Yeah Metallica, especially their first 4 albums, are amazing. It's pretty difficult to find comparable thrash to be honest. But some Tech thrash bands surpass them if you give them a chance! Also Megadeth and Slayer are comparable of course. If you want thrash recs, let Technical Barbarity, HamburgerBoy, or myself know. We'll be happy to give you more recs than you can listen to in a year. Or if you just want a top 10 list or something that works too.